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A retrospective law is one that is to take effect, at point of time, before it was passed

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Q: What is it called when a new sentencing law is enacted and the punishment is applied to a person who committed a crime five years ago?
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Who is primarily responsible for making the sentencing decision?

The judge presiding over the trial. He may be aided by sentencing guidelines enacted by the state.Additional: In some states - in capital crimes - the decision for the death penalty or life imprisonment is rendered by the trial jury.

Do Iowa courts use determinate or indeterminate sentencing practices or if sentencing guidelines have been enacted?

Iowa courts currently use indeterminate sentencing is handing out decisions. The last cite I can find for Iowa sentencing guidelines is dated April '09 and my research has been unable to determine if any action has yet been taken on this subject. This subject has been under discussion for quite some - and since the question discloses that you are probably a resident of the state - if it concerns you that much, that you call the office of your local legislative representative for the answer.

What is tis violator?

Many states have “Truth in Sentencing” laws for Class 1 crimes designed to establish minimum time served at 85%. Prior to 1994 many criminals who committed even very serious crimes were only serving 1/2 their sentence prior to parole. TIS laws were enacted to prevent early release.

Is corporal punishment a good thing when you comment a crime?

I will assume that you meant "commit" a crime. The answer is "no". While the death penalty deters crime if enacted swiftly, there is little evidence to support coporal punishment as a whole. Pscyholgically speaking, violence begets violence. Therefore, corporal punishment for those who break the law (or for misbehaving children, for that matter) is not an effective form of punishment.

Who first contrasted the difference between laws on the book and law in action?

The laws "on the books" are enacted by the state legislature - "Laws in action" are when that written law is applied.

Why hipaa was enacted?

why hipaa was enacted

Reason for coercive or intolerable acts?

Britain enacted Coercive Acts on the Massachusetts colonists as a punishment for throwing a large shipment of tea into Boston harbor. The colonists referred to the laws as Intolerable Acts.

What are enacted values?

enacted values are norms that are exhibited by employees

Why was the military reconstruction enacted?

the military reconstruction act was enacted.

What is more effective capitol punishment or jail?

Capital punishment (when enacted swiftly) is much more effective at deterring crime (there are many studies on this). Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), more prisoners on death row die of old age every year than from lethal injection. Thus, it probably has little effect.

When was COPRA enacted?

COPRA consumer protection act was enacted in 1986.

When was the republic act 9163 enacted?

Republic Act 9163, also known as the National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act, was enacted on January 23, 2002, during the administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The law made the NSTP mandatory for all college students in the Philippines.