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The process of releasing seeds is called dispersal

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Q: What is it called when a plant releases its seeds?
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When a plant releases energy what is that called?

A plant releases energy during photosynthesis, in the form of glucose(sugar) (a monosaccharide)

What do we call spreading out of seeds from the original plant?

The spreading out of seeds from the original plant is called dispersal.

What part of a plant are the fruits?

The ovary is the part of plant that becomes the fruit

What is a plant that produces seeds in ovaries called?

Heterosporous is the name given to the plant that produces seeds in the ovaries.

What type of plant that is a flowering plant?

A plant with seeds is a flowering plant and is called an angiosperm.

Is a flower a parent plant?

Flower might be called the "Parent of a plant", because a flower produces seeds and seeds are required to continue the life cycle of a plant.

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The plant's ovary, which is also the plant's fruit.

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You have to plant certain combination of plants. and you can get the seeds in main street and the shop is called moshling seeds

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What matures open and releases seeds in angiosperms?

The fruit matures open and releases seeds in angiosperms. Fruits are dehiscent and nondehiscent types.

What is the process called when a bee transfers seeds from one plant to the other?

Bees do not transfer seeds, they transfer pollen, and that process is called pollination.