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Q: What is it called when a seed is planted sideways but goes up?
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What is it called when a seed begins to grow?

Well, there's seed development when the inflorescences of the seed head stop flowering and everything goes into seed production, and then there is germination, where a plant grows from a seed that was planted in the soil.

How is a non planted seed gets to be a tree?

When rain falls on a seed which was not planted erosion occurs on the ground and the seed becomes planted itself

How does a seed survive before being planted?

A seed is inside a hard shell. So Until It is planted it is stored in that. Once planted and roots start to grow the seed starts to break out of the shell!

Which vegetable is planted by seeds?

All vegetables can be planted by seed.

What is plant reproduction?

Plants reproduce by spreading seeds. These seeds are fertilized by animals, such as bees, also called pollinators. The pollinators (the animals) pollinate the plant. The male cell goes into the ovary and fertilizes the seed. When the time is right, the plant disperses the seed and it gets planted.

Does it matter which season seed are planted?


Can the pit of a peach be planted?

Yep, its the seed!

How does a seed live?

A seed contains an embryo plant which uses the endosperm inside the seed for food before it is planted.

How does a non-planted seed become a tree?


How is breasts form?

a seed is planted and they grow. magic!

What is the lifecycle of an apple tree?

there is a girl called Julianne Le came from other planet and planted random seed and it came out with sperms!

Which part of ginger can be planted again?

The bulb of the ginger root can be planted again as it is like the seed of the plant.