

What is it called when an adult commits an offense?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Misdeamor or felony.

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Q: What is it called when an adult commits an offense?
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A person who commits sin is called a sinner.

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A penal offense is any offense that a person commits which causes him or her to go to a prison. It is usually a first class misdemeanor or a felony. A second class misdemeanor or lessor will usually result in jail time or a fine.

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You have your federal probation revoked and, further, face prosecution for the state offense.

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A crime is a crime no matter WHAT the age of the person committing it. The only difference between juvenile offenders and adult offenders, is in how they are handled by the court.

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Internal crime occurs when an employee steals from or commits some other offense against the business.

Is murder a status offense for a juvenile?

No! A status offense is ONLY something that would not be a crime if the juvenile were an adult: running away, breaking curfew, skipping school. There may be others, but those are examples.Anything that is a crime if you are an adult is not a status offense for a juvenile.

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It depends on the juvenile and the offense.

Should kids be tried the same as adult in court?

If the child has the same understanding and commits a crime as an adult, then issuing a sentence that fits the crime is appropriate.

What are status offenses?

A status offense is an offense that can only be committed by a child. If an adult did the same thing it would not be considered illegal.

In the state of Georgia a juvenile who is 13 years of age can be tried as an adult if he or she?

Commits a serious criminal act..