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When an animal is suffering from a lack of water, it is commonly referred to as "dehydration."

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Q: What is it called when an animal is suffering from lack of water?
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Why do animal cells swell when in water?

Due to lack of rigid cell wall

What is the body's lack of water called?

It is known as dehydration.

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If it is a caged animal, it is suffering from lack of stimulation and is bored. You need to provide enrichment activities. If it is a wild raccoon it may have either rabies or distemper.

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Well, no animal can survive without water, but camels can go awhile without water. That's why they are mainly used in the desert.

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It can be a drought when referring to lack of rain fall or dehydration when referring the the human body.

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An "oasis", an area in the desert where there is sufficient water to support plant and animal life.

Which could help you identify it to be an animal cell?

Lack of a cell wall and no gigantic water vacuole in the middle surrounded by green chloroplasts

Can an animal get a sore throat?

I suppose so, yes. From lack of water and moisture, there throat may become dry and give them an infection.

Which could help to identify it to be an animal cell?

Lack of a cell wall and no gigantic water vacuole in the middle surrounded by green chloroplasts

Does a eating disorder cause muscle tightness?

Dehydration often accompanies the habits of those suffering from an eating disorder. Lack of proper water in the body can cause cramping and overall tightness.