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the fur that hangs from the tail (like in a golden retriever) is called the fringe.

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It's a Norfolk terrier

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Q: What are dogs called with a curled tail?
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Related questions

How do you straighten a dogs tail from being curly?

You cannot and should not even attempt to straighten a dogs tail if it is curled. Some dogs are born with little differences, these things only make them special~!

What fish has a curled tail?

a seahorse

What is a hound dogs tail called?

A hound's tail is called a stern.

What are some adjectives to describe a dogs tail?

Fluffy, bushy, long, curled, straight, etc, etc. You can also describe a tail bu how it's wagging. E.g. If fast, then it's excited. You can describe the colour as well.

When your pug is fixed does its the tail still tightly curled?


What does it mean when a stick insects tail is curled up?

its angrey

I have a pet baby Chinese dragon and its tail is sometimes straight... What does it mean when a Chinese dragons tail is straight... and what does it mean when a Chinese dragons tail is curled?

A straight tail on a Chinese dragon is a sign of aggression or alertness, showing that the dragon is ready to defend itself or its territory. A curled tail indicates relaxation, contentment, or playfulness, suggesting that the dragon feels safe and at ease in its environment.

What makes a Pug different?

Its size of eyes, its flat muzzle, and its curled tail.

Have golden retriever mix puppy with curled tail over her back?

Mine does.

What does it mean when a scorpions tail is curled?

it means that it is in a calm and peaceful mood

Why do dogs tuck in their tails?

A dog which keeps its tail high in the air while wagging it may be aggressive. Many large dogs wag their tails in this fashion to indicate that they are dominant. If a dog is holding its tail up and waving only the tip, you should approach with care, watching for other signs like the position of the ears or growling. If a dog has its tail between its legs, however, it indicates submission. Frightened or nervous dogs may wag their tails stiffly between their legs. Approach this type of dog cautiously as well, since dogs can bite or snap out of fright A raised tail can also be a trait of a particular breed. Some dogs tails are curled up above their backs and are almost always in that position (Huskies for example). Other breeds have tails that hang down and hardly ever are raised.

How can you get your pugs tail to curl up?

A pugs tail is never straight. A pug's tail is always curled because of its height.So You dont need to worry about curling your pug's tail