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It is called a Chemical reaction.

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Q: What is it called when elements or compounds combining to form a new substance?
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What is a combination of compounds and elements that has not formed a new substance is called?

This is a mixture.

Elements and Compounds are called?

Elements and compounds are called substance....subtances can be either elements or elementis a substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by ordinary means...!!a compound is a pure substance that contains two or more elements combined in afixed proportion.......example of the formation of a comp. :1. Sodium plus chlorine --> sodium chloride

What is a substance that slow down the rate of a chemical reaction?

This class of compounds/elements are called inhibitors.

What is combining of elements called?

compound is what it's called

What is the name given to a substance made up of two or more different elements joined together?

a compound

Is a substance made of two or more elements chemically combined?

CompoundThis is called a compound. The molecules of compounds usually have different properties than the atoms of the constituent elements.

If the composition of a material is fixed?

it is called a fixed composition

What is made by combining monomer compounds into polymer molecules?

This is called a polymerisation reaction

Why isn't air a chemical substance?

It is a gaseous substance, but not a "pure substance" because it is a mixture of several gases (elements, gas compounds, water vapor) that can occur in various concentrations while still being called "air."

What are compounds and elements called?


What is the name given to the elements or compounds on the right side of the equation?

The elements and compounds to the right of the equations are called products.