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Q: What is it called when factors that affect a population only when the number of organisms per unit space reaches a high level?
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What collection of organisms and nonliving factors that affect the ocean is called a?

I believe it is a population.

What is an example of an open population in science?

a population where all 4 factors affect the population or Group of individuals organisms that belong to the same species that live in the same area

How does the acid content of the pond affect the population of organisms?

Because the population of organisms is pond effect

What Factors affect population?

Factors that affect population size include birth rates, death rates, immigration, and emigration. Additionally, access to healthcare, socioeconomic factors, education, and environmental conditions can influence population growth or decline. Government policies and urbanization also play a role in shaping population changes.

What abiotic factors affect the warthog?

Abiotic factors are esentially the non living component factors that affect the living organisms of the freshwater community. Such components do not affect the warthog

What 3 abiotic factors affect a coniferous forest?

3 abiotic factors that affect a coniferous forest is the soil, the amount of rainfall, and the amount of sunlight that reaches the plants and animals. hi lillie

What is a living environmental factor?

Living factors also known as biotic factors are components in the environment that affect living organisms such as prey and food. [they affect the organism's existence, prey hunt on them and they need food to survive] Non living factors also known as abiotic factors are non living components in the environment such as temperature, light. [changes in temperature and light affect organisms] United Nations Farms

What is factors affect Brazil's population growth?

Economical Factors and Cultural Factors

What are four abiotic factors affecting population?

Abiotic Factors that affect population include:TemperatureWindMoistureSoil TypeElevationLatitudeTopography

What happen when the number of organisms in a population increases?

affect the community

What are the parts of the environment?

There are two factors in an environment. Biotic factors and abiotic factors. Biotic factors are living organisms that affect other organisms. Abiotic factors are non-living factors such as temperature, sunlight, humidity, soil, etc.

Water temperature and light are two factors that affect the tolerance range of organisms in a lake?

Abiotic factors.