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Q: What is it called when feces are placed in a growth medium for bacterial analysis?
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Related questions

What limits bacterial growth within a culture of medium?

Nutrients and oxygen

What is bacterial suspension?

Refers to the bacteria suspended on the petri dish or growth medium.

Why is ground beef a better bacterial growth medium than steak or roast?

The bacteria would be grounded up with the beef and it would be spread throughout the meat, making it ideal for the media to have bacterial growth throughout. Unlike the steak or roast where it would only have bacterial growth on the surface.

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What is the function of media agar?

Agar, which is a polysaccharide polymer, is a solidifying agent for culture medium. It also provides a solid surface for bacterial growth.

What important factors are included when describing bacterial growth according to Bergey?

Incubation time, incubation temperature, and the medium used to grow the bacteria.

What is the process called when you place the bacterial sample on the petri dish?

Inoculation is the process were in you will introduce bacterial samples on a nutrient broth or nutrient agar. If the medium you use contain bacteria it is now called inoculum. there are different technique in introducing bacteria in the medium like streaking, spreading, pouring.

How can you determine whether a bacterium is lipolytic?

When lipids are added to an agar-solidified culture medium and are cultured with lipolytic bacteria, the surrounding medium becomes acidic due to the release of fatty acids. By adding a pH indicator (such as Spirit Blue which has a lavender color), it is possible to detect lipolysis by a clear area surrounding the bacterial growth. A clear area around bacterial growth indicates a positive test. In the absense of lipolysis, the medium retains its lavender color and is a negative reaction.

What is the purpose of adding rose Bengal and streptomycin solution in the rose Bengal agar medium?

The purpose of both is to inhibit bacterial growth. The media is used for growing fungi.

Why streak in an agar slant medium in a straight line?

because the growth of the unknown bacterial colony will create a pattern when it is grown that is characteristic and can help identify the unknown organism

Why is ampicillin added to the pound medium?

Ampicillin is an antibiotic that is usually used as a reporter gene in cloning. A plasmid containing the ampicillin resistance gene (as well as another target gene within the plasmid) is introduced into the bacterial host. If the bacterium has taken up the plasmid and is expressing the plasmid, it will be resistant to ampicillin. LB is used as a growth medium and ampicillin to verify the plasmid is within the bactrium. No growth means no plasmid in the bacterial host...