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Q: What is it called when intermal forces in the earth slant earths layers without folding them?
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When rock layers bend due to stress in the earths crust as in example of two continental plates converging what is the answer folding or rifting?

It is folding. And this folding results in the formation of fold mountains, eg the Himalayan mountain.

What happens at a collision zone?

Folding, Subduction, Upliftment and Displacement of regions of the earths crust.

Large scale folding of the earths crust may be caused by what?

the collision of sub-crustal plates :)

What occurs when rocks layers bend due to stress in the Earths crust?

I found that folding happens

Folds in earths crust form mostly?

Well, mountains are formed mostly with folding and sometimes with volcanic eruptions. MOUNT EVERST was formed by the folding of the ocean. Folding is when the earth's crustal plates start to push together to form a mountain.

How earthquakes have changed the surface and atmosphere of the earth over millions of years?

EARTHQUAKES have changes the earth in many ways. The folding and faulting of the earth crust have left big cracks in the earths crust. The folding and faulting only happen on the tectonic boundaries. TECTONIC BOUNDARIES: The plates that make up the earths contents.

What is earths magnetic field called?

It is Earths' "Magnetosphere".

What is melted rock on the earths is called?

Lava....when its under the earths crust its called magma.

What is a meteoroid that reaches earths surface with out burning up?

a meteor that hit Earth without burning up in the mesosphere is called meteoroid

When earths regions of earths surface sinks down what is it called?


What color is the earths layer called asthenosphere?

the color of earths asthenosphere is brown

Magma that breack through the earths curst is called?

Once magma breaks through the earths crust it is called"lava"