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A drought are you stupid

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Q: What is it called when its hot and dry all year with very little rain?
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How is the weather like in Osaka japan?

It is hot all year with very little rain and lots of snow. Droughts occur often.

What is Selena's first single from her new album a year with out rain called?

"A Year Without Rain"

What is the wide open very frigid land form found in the center of Russia known as?

This biome is called the tundra. It is also found in other regions of the world that are very far north. There are very few trees, little rain (or snow) and the ground is frozen year around.

Does it rain all year in Cuba?

It is very unlikely.

Thick forests that get large amounts of rain year round are called?

Rain forest

What do you call a place that has less than 10 in of rain every year?

semiarid is a place that gets little rain

Does it rain in Nebraska?

Approximatley, 150 inches a year. If it is a very wet year, you could see up to 200 inches of rain.

What is Selena Gomez's second album called?

it is called A Year without rain.:)

What are locations with very little rainfall called?

Regions that receive less than 10 inches of precipitation per year are called deserts.

How much rain must a forest receive to be called rain forest?

5000 inches in one year

What will Selena Gomez's second album be called?

a year without rain

What is Selena Gomez's newest album called?

A Year Without Rain