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The direction of light propagation can be changed at the boundary of two media having different densities. This property is called refraction, and is illustrated in the following figure for the boundary between air and water.

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Q: What is it called when light blends as it moves from one substance to another?
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How the beam would bend if the speed of light were the same in both air and water?

In that case, the ray of light would not be bent when going from one substance to another. It would be the same as if the substance remained in the same substance, for example, air. Refraction depends on the index of refraction, which is directly related to the speed of light in a substance - and not on any other physical characteristic of the substance.

How is refracted?

The refraction of light means that although light travels in straight lines, when it moves from one substance into another, it can change direction. This happens because the wave changes speed as it travels between different types of materials.As a light wave travelsbetween diffrent clear substances, the light wave bends. When light passes one substance to another, the light changes direction.

How can light refract?

Light hits a substance. The substance makes light change speed. Light gets scattered through the substance. Then the light bends.

How can light be refracted?

Light hits a substance. The substance makes light change speed. Light gets scattered through the substance. Then the light bends.