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Q: What is it called when mountain lions care for their babies?
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Do mother lions take care of their babies?

Yes they do.

How does the bald eagle care for its babies and what are the babies called?

The young are called eaglets. Both parents help take care of them.

How do wild hamsters take care of their babies?

maybe protect them from wild animals like lions and animals

What is it called when you work with babies?

It is child care

Do the female lions take care of the baby or it it the male?

The sister lionesses all take care of the babies. The males might play with them a bit but don't really take care of them.


Lions take of their babies by feeding them milk when they are berly born. They carry them from their mouths and the could some times bit them to hard then the praent lion could make them start bleeding and they could kill them. And that is very sad don't you think what a shame on those stupid lions that kill their own babies WHAT A SHAME STUPID LIONS!!!!!

What is day nursery for babies called?

You mean 'Day Care'

What is the word for animals that care for their young?

Animals that care for their young are called mammals. When a polar bear has babies it take care of them . When a human has babies we take care of them up until usually 20.

Nurse that cares for babies after birth?

The nurse that takes care of the babies after birth is called a postpartnum nurse.

What is the nurses title that takes care of the babies after they are born?

Midwives, doctors and the parents of the baby.

Is there a care bear called cloud bear?

no but you can go with the cloud babies

Who takes care of lion cubs?

Lions are social animals. They live in prides that comprise of around 10 or more animals. All the lions in the pride share the responsibility of feeding and protecting the cubs with the females taking care of the feeding mostly and the males the protection. However, male lions are known to kill young ones fathered by another male as soon as they take over a pride.