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Q: What is it called when one side of your heart beats faster than the other side?
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What is the difference between palpitation and tachycardia?

Palpitation is feeling ones own heart beat. The heart rate can be normal, increased or even reduced. Tachycardia on the other hand is increased heart rate. It may or may not be associated with palpitation. Heart rate above 100 beats per min is tachycardia

Does the heart rest between beats?

The Heart as a whole does not rest between beats. It is a portion that relaxes when the other chambers still functions and vice versa.

How will a person that smokes heart rate differ from that of a non smoking person?

Well smokers heart beats faster but their heart rate is lower...On the other hand nonsmokers heart beats faster but it depends if their resting heart rate is higher....maybe they do drugs or they have other symptoms that is not good for their heart...even some medicine's are bad for you're heart.

What is a good average Resting Heart Rate?

The average resting rate is 50 beats a minute. Incorrect. The average resting heart rate is 70 beats per minute. You might find a heart rate of 50 beats per minute in individuals who are runners or those who engage in other cardiovascular exercise on a regular basis.

If one side of the heart beats faster than the other?

Your heart has the ability to change heart rate at will during periods that require it to. For example, during physical exertion, your heart rate will increase to meet the blood-oxygen demand your body needs to keep going. When you sleep, your heart rate as well as metabolism slows as you do not require the same amount of energy as you do when you are awake. Defective hearts, however, have serious side effects. A heart that beats faster than is needed for an unnecessary amount of time can be damaged from the strain and have reduced performance. A heart rate that is lower than needed can dangerously lower your oxygen level used by your muscles, leaving you weak. In extreme cases, when your oxygen levels in your blood stream become too low, you can asphyxiate(suffocate) even if your breathing is normal

Why when counting your heart beat why does it beat then speed up a few beats then slow down then speed up?

I think what you are feeling is your heart double beating. Meaning that every human heart has 2 beats, one to remove the blood and the other to bring it in.

Why is the mammalian heart- two hearts that beat as one?

Because one part beats to pump blood to the lungs and the other beats to pump blood to the rest of your body. They are really one heart with two sections.

How is sleeping the best form of relaxation?

when you sleep, your heart beats slower and your body improves faster. this happens because your body is collecting more energy from all the mussels that are motionless and are not tightened and uses it for other porpoises such as healing and growing

Why should patients with heart problems be cautious with cisapride?

Cisapride has caused dangerous irregular heart-beats in a few people who took it with other medicines.

What muscle regererates itself faster than any other?


Why does your heart do two beats ie badum not ba?

One sound is the atrial beat, the other the ventricular one.

Why does the heart stop?

Your heart beats through out your life time. It does not stop for a minute. Nature has created very beautiful mechanism for heart to do so. Your heart take rest for some time during each beat. When your atria contracts the ventricles are taking rest and vise verse. They get rest for some additional time and the miracle continues. Heart muscle has got inherent tendency to beat rhythmically. The sinus node beats faster than other cells and decides the pace.