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Q: What is it called when oxygen moves into a contracting heart muscle cell?
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Why does the heart pump blood?

The involuntary muscle is constantly contracting and expanding to supply oxygen rich blood to the body.

Why does the heart continually pump blood?

The involuntary muscle is constantly contracting and expanding to supply oxygen rich blood to the body.

What causes blood to flow through the heart?

The blood flows to and from the heart primarily because of the relaxing and contracting of the heart muscle. Muscles throughout the body also exert pressure on blood vessels to literally push blood to the heart. the relaxing and contracting of the heart muscle

What does the heart muscle need in order to function?

Your heart needs blood, oxygen, and energy to function!!!!!!!!

What does heart muscle mean?

Your heart is a muscle. It is also called the myocardium. The muscle cells in the heart muscle are called myocardiocytes.

What is the definition of myocardium?

"Myo-" means muscle and "-cardium" means heart. So myocardium is heart muscle. It's the stuff that actually does the work of contracting the heart to pump blood around.

Is the heart a double pump?

The heart is a double pump, while the right side handles the oxygen-poor blood, the left side handles the oxygen-rich blood. The "lub-dub" is the heart pumping blood. The "lub" is the atriums contracting, and the "dub" is the ventricles contracting.

What is the only muscle that can contract itself?

The heart is self-contracting or rather it has a high susceptibility to depolarization.

What is the time when the heart chambers are contracting at their maximum force to push blood out of the heart and into the arteries?

When the heart chambers are contracting at their maximum force to push blood out of the heart it's called systole.

The vessels that carry oxygen to mycardial cells are called what?

Coronary arteries carry oxygen-rich blood to the tissues of the heart muscle. The oxygen diffuses within myocardial capillaries.

What does the heart muscle do in between beats?

Your heart is still a muscle, and thus forth needs to rest in between beats. Rest.

What does muscles mean?

Your heart is a muscle. It is also called the myocardium. The muscle cells in the heart muscle are called myocardiocytes.