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It is called child sexual abuse or sexual assault.

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Q: What is it called when someone has a sexual experience at a young age and is stunted by this traumatic experience?
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When someone does not experience sexual attraction to any gender, they may identify as asexual.

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Vasovagal response, unless something traumatic happened in the past that causes the problem, and then it could be a post-traumatic reaction or response (such as someone who had an event in their past where they had to get a lot of shots--not just allergy or diabetic injections, but a trauma like an accident or injury, so that it's tied in with that experience). Most responses are neurological and can be overcome with good relaxation techniques-you hate to say mind-over-matter as if they are weak-minded, but really if they are able to get past the fear, the body will stop shutting down. Or simply Shell Shock

What was post traumatic stress disorder called for World War 1 vets?

shell shock.