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It is called the "Equinox" and occurs during the winter season.

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Q: What is it called when the daylight hours equal the night time hour what season?
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What occurs when the sun is directly above the equator and the number of daylight and nighttime hours are nearly equal?

It is called an equinox.

During what season is the numbers of hours of daylight the shortest?


There are more hours of daylight and fewer hours of darkness What is it called?

It is called daylight saving time.

What is the name of the day in which the hours of daylight and darkness are equal?


How long does spring last?

960 hours of daylight in the season of Spring.

The hours of daylight and darkness in September are nearest equal to the hours of?

I'm guessing march?

12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness is called?

That is called the equinox.

When is solstice are the light and dark equal?

On a solstice, it is only at the equator that the hours of light and dark are equal. At other parts, they would be different with one of the Poles experiencing 24 hours of daylight and the other Pole experiencing no daylight. If it is the June solstice, then it is the North Pole with 24 hours of daylight and the South Pole with none, while it is the opposite in the December solstice. It is at the equinox that the amount of daylight and darkness hours are equal around the world.

Why are daylight and nighttime of equal length at the equinox?

Yes they are equal because equinox means equal nights.

Plant sellers can cause plants to bloom on schedule by influencing the length of the?

daylight hours - its called photoperiodism

How many hours of daylight per day in UK?

That depends on the season. On average, it should be about 12 hours.

What is the day that gives twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness called?

its called EQUINOX.