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Each half is called a sister chromatid.

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Q: What is it called when two cells form each with half the number of chromosomes. Each chromosome still has two chromatiids?
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What chromosomes do human have 22 of?

The chromosomes number1- 22 is called autosomes and pair number 23 is called as sex chromosome.

What chromosomes are autosomes?

The 44 chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes. 1st through the 22nd pair. The X and Y chromosomes are the only chromosomes not autosomes.

How is the chromosome number affected by cell division?

In Mitosis, the chromosome number remains the same. In meiosis, the number of chromosomes is halved.

How is the haploid chromosome number?

The haploid chromosome number is half the chromosome number of the body cells. For example, in humans, body cells have 46 chromosomes. In human haploid cells (sex cells), there are 23 chromosomes.

What chromosome do women carry?

All organisms carry a set number of pairs of chromosomes, in humans it is 23 pairs. Of these chromosomes one pair controls the sex of the human. The sex chromosomes are called the X and Y chromosome. Females have XX pairing and Males XY.

How many chromosomes form after mitosis?

There is no reduction in number of chromosome

The haploid chromosome number is created when?

homologous chromosomes separate.

In plants and animals an offspring inherits How Many genes?

The number of genes and number of chromosomes inherited depend on the species. The number of chromosomes a species has is known as the chromosome number. For example, (disregarding polyploidy or polysomy) a human baby has 46 chromosomes, but a horse has 64. Chromosomes usually occur as one of a pair in humans, and so they have 23 pairs of chromosomes. However, it is common in plants to have many sets of chromosomes and so they do not occur in pairs, but in triplets, or as sets of 4, 5 or 6 etc. Some species of strawberries have 7 of each chromosome. The number of genes depends on how long the chromosome is, and each chromosome in each different species will have a different number of genes on the chromosome.

The number of chromosomes in a gamete of an organism is its what chromosome number?

Its haploid number, which will be half the number of chromosomes found in somatic (non-sex) cells - the diploid number.

What is the chromosome number for a Komodo dragon?


What condition is caused by a chromosome going the wrong way during genetic formation producing a zygote with an extra chromosome?

An abnormal number of chromosomes is called aneuploidy. If a chromosome has 3 of its kind, it is trisomic. The exact condition depends on which gene has the extra chromosome.

What happens if you have more or less chromosomes?

If you have one additional pair of CHROMOSOME 23, you have DOWN SYNDROME.If a person has fewer than 46 chromosomes, they will die. With more than 46 chromosomes, it depends on the chromosome type , but mostly disorders or syndromes will occur. Death is also a possibility in this case.AnswerThe condition wherein the number of chromosomes in a individual is more or less than the expected number of chromosomes is called aneuploidy.Examples include Down's Sydrome (three sets of chromosome 21), Klinefelter's syndrome (one extra X chromosome in males), Turner's syndrome (one X chromosome less in females), Edward syndrome (extra chromosome 18).