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plates puled apart

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Q: What is it called when two plates are pulling apart?
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What is it called when two plates are pulling apart in the middle of a continent?

divergent boundary

Underwater mountains chains that forms where two tectonic plates are pulling are called?

Underwater mountain chains that form where two tectonic plates are pulling apart are called mid ocean ridges. The largest is the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

What is it called when two lithospheric plates move apart?

Continental Plates

What are two tectonic plates pulling away called?

Divergent plates. They form a divergent plate boundary.

What is called when sea-floor spreading occurs and pull away from each other under the sea?

It creates a mid ocean ridge, the two plates pulling apart is called a divergent boundary.

What trenches cause?

The thing that causes oceanic trenches would be two ocean plates pulling apart. This would leave a space in between the plates that is the trench.

What is is the boundary when two plates that are moving apart?

It is called a divergent plate boundary.

At a mid Ocean ridge how do the two tectonic plates move?

The plates move apart, which is called a divergent boundary.

What two tectonic plates are pulling away pulling away?

Divergent plates. They form a divergent plate boundary.

Where is seafloor being created?

The mid-atlantic Ridge. There, two tectonic plates are pulling apart, and magma from the mantle rises to the space between these two plates. This magma is cooled instantly, becoming a new ocean floor.

The stress force that pulls on the crust where two plates are moving apart is called .?


What is it called when two oceanic plates move apart and new crust is formed?

Seafloor Spreading