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Genetic drift

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Q: What is it called when two populations share genetic information?
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Is it possible for another man's sperm to overpower the sperm of the biological father so the baby resembles the other man?

No. Only the sperm that fertilizes the egg will share its genetic information with the fetus.No. Only the sperm that fertilizes the egg will share its genetic information with the fetus.No. Only the sperm that fertilizes the egg will share its genetic information with the fetus.No. Only the sperm that fertilizes the egg will share its genetic information with the fetus.

What is an Orangutans organism?

Same as humans. Orangutans share about 97% of their genetic information with humans.

Describe how the chemical composition and the genetic information of humans resembles the chemical and genetic information of other organisms?

Humans share about 95% genetic similarity with mice.

How the chemical composition and genetic information of humans resemble the chemical composition and genetic information of other organism?

Humans share about 95% genetic similarity with mice.

Groups of similar organisms within a species are called?

Groups of similar organisms within a species are called populations. Populations consist of individuals of the same species that can interbreed and share a common geographical location.

Why is knowing how bacteria share genetic information important?

you know how they think so when they hunt you down you dwn you can think like them

What continent do Native Americans share features and DNA with people?

Native Americans share features and DNA with people from Asia. Studies have shown that Native Americans are descendants of populations that migrated from Asia to the Americas thousands of years ago. This is supported by genetic and anthropological evidence.

List two populations that share your home?

Human residents and domestic pets such as cats and dogs share homes as populations.

How do the chemical composition and the genetic information of humans resembles those of other organisms?

Almost all organisms share the same support for genetic information: DNA. We use the same 4-bases system as any other organisms to encode proteins, ribozymes, etc. We also share nearly all of our genome with chimps, and many of our genes are found in very different organisms. An example of this would be the information encoding the ribosomal RNA or proteins. Eukaryotic cells all have nearly the same ribosomes; moreover, these "evolved" ribosomes are only an expansion of those found in prokaryotic cells.That means we depend on the exact same chemical compound DNA, and we share a tremendous amount of genetic material with other species.

Why do twins look alike?

Twins look alike because the foetus splits in two inside the mother's womb. Therefore, both babies share the exact same genetic information (because the genetic information determining what they would look like was transferred when they were joined as one), but are two individual people.

How much genetic material to fraternal twins share?


When two or more populations share the same area they are referred to as .?

a community... biotch