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its value changes ,get new substance and the product doesn't remain the same after chemical reaction

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They are forming a precipitate.

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Q: What is it called when two solids or a solids and a liquid are put together?
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A liquid mixture of complex hydrocarbon compounds is called?

A liquid mixture of complex hydrocarbon compounds is called petroleum. I think this is the best Answer I can put it as right now.

What is it called when compounds are put together will form?

You basically got it. They're called molecular compounds.

Is sand a solid liquid gas or a mixture?

Sand is a solid. I agree to whom wrote this answer but,In adition there are many conditions through we can say sand acets like liquids in some conditions like when we put sonme sand on a sliding motion it falls downd to the land and sand particles are dispersed nor like liquid prticles nither solids particles middle one I one way sand acets like solids when it is in our box or container it get fixed on one place and does not ghanges place this is like solids My name is Talhawaleed.Iam from Pakistan Sand is a tiny partial of solid and its is also a liquid because it can change shape

How does gas go into a liquid?

If you were to take something (anything at all) and break it up into almost the smallest things you could, you'd get molecules. Everything there is is made up of lots of little molecules. If the molecules are stuck together really tightly, then they're called a solid. The solid form of water is ice. This actually makes a lot of sense, because it certainly does seem like all the little parts of a solid (like ice) are stuck together very tightly.When you heat something up, it makes the molecules move faster. If you heat up a solid, it melts and becomes a liquid. In a liquid (like water), the molecules are still stuck together, but they can move around some. What actually happens is that the molecules are still sort of sticking together, but they're constantly breaking apart and sticking to different molecules. This also makes sense when you think about water. Water sort of sticks together, but it breaks apart /really/ easily.If you heat a liquid like water up even more (like if you put it in a pot on the stove), then the molecules will move around so fast that they can't even hold on to each other at all. When this happens, all of the molecules go flying apart and become a gas (like when you boil water to make steam). The process of heating up a liquid like water to make a gas like steam is called "evaporation." When you do the opposite and cool a gas down to make a liquid, then it's called "condensation."Hope this answers your question!JASONSMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD

Can liquid nitrogen be put down the drain?

You can put it down the drain, nothing is really stopping you from doing so but you shouldn't put it down the drain. Liquid nitrogen is extremely cold and can have explosive consequences once it sublimates into a gas and could potentially burst your pipes.

Related questions

Are atoms considered gases or solids?

Neither. Atoms are the building blocks that when put together become solids, liquids or gasses.

'Does sound travel faster through a solid liquid or gas?

Sound travels fastest through solids because the particles in a solid are more closely packed together, allowing sound waves to propagate more efficiently through the material. In liquids, sound travels slower than in solids due to the looser arrangement of particles, while in gases, sound travels slowest because the particles are further apart.

Why does a ice cube melt faster in water?

An ice cube melts faster in water because water conducts heat more efficiently than air. This means that the water can transfer heat to the ice cube more easily, causing it to melt quicker. Additionally, the surrounding water is at a higher temperature than the ice cube, further increasing the rate of melting.

What is it called when they put liquid in your arm at the hospital?

When they put liquid in your arm at the hospital, it is called a saline flush. It might also be called an IV.

Why is a cars body made of solids?

it is because they want the car to be sturdy and if it was made of liquid how would we sit in it or put the petrol in it ?

What are the differences between solids and liquids and gases?

the differences in these three items is that solid atoms are tightly compacted together liquid atoms are freely put move at a slow rate, then the gases atoms a freely just like the liquid atoms but the gases atoms move at a faster rate

Is it possible to combine liquids and solids?

well, if you put them in a bowl together, yes. for example: flour and water. ....

What is a spoon and a fork put together called?

A spoon and a fork put together is called a spork.

How are solid and liquid and gas different?

A solid is when the atoms are closest together and has the minimum mobility. A liquid is when the atoms are further apart and has average mobility.

Two or more substances that are put together to form a compound?


Why solids transmit sound better than liquids and gases?

Solids have a more organized and compact structure that allows for better transmission of sound waves through the material. In contrast, the particles in liquids and gases are more spread out and disorganized, leading to a greater dissipation of sound energy as it travels through these mediums.

What are the three solids put together thst make up a pencil?

hexagonal prism, a cone, and i believe circle or cylinder