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You can put it down the drain, nothing is really stopping you from doing so but you shouldn't put it down the drain. Liquid nitrogen is extremely cold and can have explosive consequences once it sublimates into a gas and could potentially burst your pipes.

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1mo ago

No, liquid nitrogen should not be put down the drain. It can cause damage to pipes and sewer systems, and may also pose a safety hazard. It is best to contact a professional disposal service or follow proper disposal guidelines for handling liquid nitrogen.

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Q: Can liquid nitrogen be put down the drain?
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How do you dispose of liquid nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen can be safely evaporated by allowing it to warm up and turn into gas at room temperature. It should never be poured down the drain or disposed of in regular trash. Contact your local waste management facility or a company that specializes in hazardous waste disposal for proper disposal methods.

What happens to a banana when you put it in liquid nitrogen?

When you put a banana in liquid nitrogen, it freezes instantly due to the extremely low temperature of liquid nitrogen (-196°C). The banana becomes extremely brittle and can shatter easily. Once removed from the liquid nitrogen and allowed to thaw, the banana will turn mushy and soft as the cells have been damaged by the freezing process.

What happens when you add liquid nitrogen to lava?

Adding liquid nitrogen to lava would cause an extremely rapid cooling effect, potentially creating violent explosions and sending fragments of solidified lava flying in all directions. The drastic temperature difference between the liquid nitrogen and the hot lava would lead to intense thermal shock, likely resulting in fragmentation and possibly even shattering of the lava.

Why does the water bottle containing liquid nitrogen explode?

When liquid nitrogen inside a sealed container like a water bottle evaporates, it turns into nitrogen gas and expands rapidly. This sudden increase in pressure can cause the water bottle to explode because it is not built to withstand such high pressures.

Can you freeze liquor with liquid nitrogen?

Yes, you can freeze liquor with liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen is extremely cold and can rapidly chill liquids to very low temperatures. However, it is important to use caution when handling liquid nitrogen and follow proper safety protocols to prevent any accidents.

Related questions

How do you clean a pipe?

You can put a liquid pipe snake down your drain or put a hose down there

What is side dressing in fertilizer application?

It's when you put down nitrogen (Normally) as a liquid, 28% or 32% nitrogen. This is done with a field cultivator or a center/off-center disk with a injection system to get the liquid nitrogen in the ground.

Why don't they use liquid nitrogen to put out wildfires?

Because it's dangerous.Because liquid nitrogen is expensive and inconvenient.Because liquid nitrogen will instantly evaporate once it comes close to fire.

Can you put Liquid Plumber down kitchen sink drain?

You can put it down but it's useless. Go to a plumbing warehouse and get 'Zonk'. First, take apart the U trap and see if you get the obstruction.

How do you dispose of liquid nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen can be safely evaporated by allowing it to warm up and turn into gas at room temperature. It should never be poured down the drain or disposed of in regular trash. Contact your local waste management facility or a company that specializes in hazardous waste disposal for proper disposal methods.

Is liquid nitrogen flamable?

No, liquid nitrogen is not flammable. It is a colorless, odorless, non-flammable cryogenic liquid. It is used for freezing, cooling, and preserving biological samples and materials.

How can you maintain sperms in large quantity?

Put semen in liquid nitrogen.

Can you pour grease down the drain?

You can but you shouldn't. Liquid grease will eventually solidify. When it solidifies in your pipes, this results in a clog. Put the grease in a container (like an empty tin can) and put it in the freezer. When it solidifies, you can put it in the trash.

What happens to a banana when you put it in liquid nitrogen?

When you put a banana in liquid nitrogen, it freezes instantly due to the extremely low temperature of liquid nitrogen (-196°C). The banana becomes extremely brittle and can shatter easily. Once removed from the liquid nitrogen and allowed to thaw, the banana will turn mushy and soft as the cells have been damaged by the freezing process.

Can you put pudding down the drain?

yes, pudding shouldn't hurt your drain at all.

Is it possible to drain liquid from a bee sting?

Leave it alone and put salt or baking soda on it.

How much does liquid nitrogen cost on Vancouver island naniamo BC Canada?

The largest cost will be for the container to put it in. Praxair sells liquid minimum is about $30 The dewar to put it in cost $ 400 ++