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Liquid Nitrogen in a water bottle will explode because of pressure build up.

Liquid nitrogen vaporizes rather quickly and when it transitions from liquid to gas, the pressure increases if kept at the same volume.

Think of boiling water in a closed container. It is similar to that but liquid nitrogen evaporates at much lower temperature, it will explode at room temperature.

Let's say you submerged this water bottle below the boiling point of liquid nitrogen and put liquid nitrogen in the bottle, the bottle will not explode.

It is a mechanical explosion (simple transfer of forces) not a chemical explosion like with hydrogen where hydrogen gas ignites.

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Q: Why does the water bottle containing liquid nitrogen explode?
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Does Liquid nitrogen explode with heat?

Yes, nitrogen does infact explode

Is it possible to have an explosion without oxygen?

Sure, e.g., liquid nitrogen will explode at room temperature if kept confined in a container such as a capped bottle.

How big is a 2 liter liquid nitrogen container?

About twice the size of a 2 liter soda bottle. Liquid nitrogen is extremely cold- the container must be vacuum insulated, or the liquid nitrogen quickly turn to gas.

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it's the aerosol.

If you throw a fragile container filled with cold liquid nitrogen will it shatter and explode or freeze the surrounding area?

it would probablyexplode, because of the buildup

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What happens when you add liquid nitrogen to lava?

The liquid nitrogen has enough coldness to completely cool down lava, but also it has the exact same energy to make lava explode. Think of it as pouring liquid nitrogen on your hand, but if you don't put the right amount of heat (helium) and at the right time your your hand will fall off. Think of your hand falling off as explosion.

What phase is liquid nitrogen in at room temperature?

Liquid nitrogen is liquid.

Is liquid nitrogen dangerous?

It is extremely dangerous, it can cause rapid freezing if it comes into contact with living tissue (skin). Also, if you put it in a closed container (like a Thermos bottle with the top screwed on tightly) that isn't strong enough to handle the buildup of pressure, it can actually cause the container to explode.

What will be the state of liquid nitrogen after boiling?

when the liquid nitrogen is boiled then it will turn into nitrogen gas.

Is liquid nitrogen an element or compound?

Liquid nitrogen is an element.

Who discovered liquid nitrogen?

Bob discovered liquid nitrogen.