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Oxygen is electronegative, and Hydrogen is electropositive.

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Q: What is it called when water attracts to other polar substances?
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How do you explain the phrase like dissolves like in terms of polar and nonpolar substances?

Polar substances dissolve other polar substances, and nonpolar substances dissolve other nonpolar substances. A polar substance cannot dissolve a polar substance and a nonpolar substance cannot dissolve a polar substance.

Do polar substances dissolve in non-polar liquids?

No, polar substances do not dissolve well in non-polar liquids because they have different intermolecular forces. Polar substances are attracted to other polar substances due to their opposite charges, while non-polar substances are attracted to each other due to London dispersion forces.

In chemistry what does 'like dissolves like' mean?

'Like dissolves like' is a principle in chemistry that states that substances with similar polarity and intermolecular forces will dissolve in each other. For example, polar substances like water will dissolve other polar substances, while nonpolar substances like oil will dissolve other nonpolar substances. This concept explains why salt (polar) dissolves in water (polar) but not in oil (nonpolar).

Why is it important to living things that water is a good solvent?

Water is used as a solvent because it can dissolve other polar substances and many ionic substances. It is often called the universal solvent. However, water does not dissolve polar substances and some ionic substances.

Why is polypropylene hydrophobic?

Polypropylene is hydrophobic because it is a non-polar polymer made up of hydrocarbon chains, which do not interact favorably with water molecules that are polar. The lack of polar groups in polypropylene hinders its ability to form hydrogen bonds with water, resulting in low wettability and water resistance.

Related questions

How do you explain the phrase like dissolves like in terms of polar and nonpolar substances?

Polar substances dissolve other polar substances, and nonpolar substances dissolve other nonpolar substances. A polar substance cannot dissolve a polar substance and a nonpolar substance cannot dissolve a polar substance.

Do polar substances dissolve in non-polar liquids?

No, polar substances do not dissolve well in non-polar liquids because they have different intermolecular forces. Polar substances are attracted to other polar substances due to their opposite charges, while non-polar substances are attracted to each other due to London dispersion forces.

Are poler substances attracted to the other poler substances or to the nonpoler substances?

Polar molecules are attracted to other polar molecules with an opposite charge.

Why is water very effective at dissolving other polar substances?

water is an effective solvent because it is a polar molecule, it dissolves other polar substances, and it dissolves ionic compounds. that is why it is called the "universal solvent" due to the geometry of the water molecule itself

Are polar and non polar liquids soluble?

Polar liquids are generally soluble in other polar liquids, as well as in some non-polar liquids. Non-polar liquids are typically soluble in other non-polar liquids, but not in polar liquids. This is due to the principle of "like dissolves like," where substances with similar polarity are more likely to mix and dissolve in each other.

Explain the statement like dissolves like?

The "like dissolves like" principle means that substances with similar polarities are more likely to dissolve in each other. Polar substances dissolve polar substances, while nonpolar substances dissolve nonpolar substances. This is because similar intermolecular forces allow for better mixing and solvation.

What is 'like dissolves like'?

The chemistry principal of "like dissolves like," explains that polar substances will dissolve in each other. Similarly, a covalent will dissolve another covalent.

Why are two non polar substances able to dissolve each other?

Two non-polar substances can dissolve each other due to their similar intermolecular forces. Non-polar substances have weak intermolecular forces called London dispersion forces. When two non-polar substances are combined, these forces can interact, allowing the substances to mix and dissolve in each other.

Why does cyclohexanone dissolve in benzophenone and not in water?

Cyclohexanone and benzophenone are both non-polar molecules, which allows them to mix well together. Water, on the other hand, is a polar molecule that does not mix well with non-polar substances. This leads to poor solubility of cyclohexanone in water.

In chemistry what does 'like dissolves like' mean?

'Like dissolves like' is a principle in chemistry that states that substances with similar polarity and intermolecular forces will dissolve in each other. For example, polar substances like water will dissolve other polar substances, while nonpolar substances like oil will dissolve other nonpolar substances. This concept explains why salt (polar) dissolves in water (polar) but not in oil (nonpolar).

Why is it important to living things that water is a good solvent?

Water is used as a solvent because it can dissolve other polar substances and many ionic substances. It is often called the universal solvent. However, water does not dissolve polar substances and some ionic substances.

What are properties of hydrophobic and hydrophilic?

Hydrophobic substances repel water and do not mix well with it due to their non-polar nature, while hydrophilic substances attract and bond with water molecules due to their polar nature. Hydrophobic substances tend to be nonpolar and often include oils and fats, while hydrophilic substances tend to be polar and include salts and sugars.