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Q: What is it called when water droplets fall to the ground as rain snow sleet or hail?
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what happens when clouds are full of water?

When clouds get so full of water droplets that they can't hold any more, the water falls back to the ground as rain! Sometimes the water droplets freeze and fall to the ground as snow, sleet, or hail. Water or ice that comes from clouds is called precipitation.

When a cloud cools it will form water droplets called?

Precipitation, which can include rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

When water droplets in a cloud combine become too heavy and fall to the ground as rain snow sleet or hail are expriencing?


Huge gatherings of tiny water droplets that haven't fallen to the ground yet are called?

The answer is clouds, but it has a chance of being fog or mist.

Why water vapor is important to weather production?

Water vapor is important because it creates clouds and it's water molecules combine to form water droplets that can either fall to the ground as rain, or freeze and fall to the ground as sleet, snow, or hail.

What is the difference between sleet and rain?

Rain is made up of water droplets, sleet is made up of small ice pellets.

What Water vapor in the air condense into liquid droplets when the water reaches?

This is strait from the apex questions. ITS DEW POINT - C.

What do you call water vapor that has condense into small water droplets near the ground?

A collection of water droplets suspended in the air is called a cloud. If the collection of water droplets is close to the ground it is called fog.

What is water vapor called that condenses near the ground?

fog because its made up of little water droplets

Does sleet form when water droplets are lifted rapidly and freeze within a large cumulus cloud?

Sleet forms when rain freezes before reaching the ground, often due to a deep layer of cold air near the surface. This process can occur within large cumulus clouds, but it is more typical in nimbostratus clouds associated with winter storms.

What is droplets of water vapvor susended in the air near the ground called?

It is known as mist or fog.

A wintertime form of precipitation that consists of small ice particles is called?

the process is called precipitation when water returns from the atmosphere to the ground, this can be in the form of rain, sleet, snow or hale