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It is called "Engineering".

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Q: What is it called when you use scientific discoveries to solve every day problems?
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How do new scientific discoveries affect your every day life?

New discoveries affect our lives in that; we have more stuff that helps us do our daily activities faster and more efficiently. New discoveries also affect employment because they use machines to replace human employment.

How and why does McDonald's use science?

McDonalds don't apply the scientific method, but just like every other company in the world they certainly take advantage of scientific discoveries.

Were there any discoveries in 1997?

Yes. Discoveries happen every day.

How does the scientific method help scientists solve problems?

Every scientist uses the scienticific method so that every scientist gets the same results.

How does scientific method help scientist solve problems?

Every scientist uses the scienticific method so that every scientist gets the same results.

Why scientific theories grow stronger over time?

Because the best scientist in the world Ani Miteva solved problems every day and found way to improve the scientific theories.

What does mass mean in the scientific form?

Every thing that carries weight and surrounds space is called mass.

What does mass mean in scientific form?

Every thing that carries weight and surrounds space is called mass.

A statement that describes what scientists expect to happen every time is called?

A statement that describes what scientists expect to happen every time under a particular set of conditions? Answer: Scientific Law

What were some of Robert Hookes discoveries?

He discovered that every living things have cells.

What is the common name for Deoxyribonucleic acid?

Simply put DNA.The molecule structure that carries all the make-up of every living organism's genetic information,which many would claim to be one of the greatest scientific discoveries ever made.