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it is the stimulus because its the same thing x!P

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Q: What is it called when your body does something in reaction to a stimulus?
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How does the brain perceive the intensity of a stimulus?

There are a number of different ways that the brain perceives stimuli. If a person is hurt, the brain sends a reaction to the body. If something good happens, the brain sends good reactions to the body.

Difference between stimulus and response?

A stimulus is a change in an organism's surroundings or body which causes it to respond. Hence, a response is an organism's reaction to a specific stimulus.

What body systems are involved in reaction to a stimulus?

Fundamentally the system involved in a reaction to a stimuli is the nervous system.

What the difference between reaction and response?

A reaction is what happens to the body when a stimulus is applied, a response is what happens next; i.e a stimulus illicits a reaction which illicits a respose. For example, glucose in the blood (a stimulus) causes the pancreas to release insulin (a reaction), which in turn causes the cells to take up glucose from the blood (a response).

What is control and coordination?

Control is the power of restraining and regulation by which something can be started, slowed down or stopped. Co-ordination is the working together of various agents of the body of an organism in a proper manner to produce an appropriate reaction to a stimulus is called coordination.

Do viruses respond to a stimulus?

A stimulus causes your body to react, a response is something that is caused by a stimulus. Work it out, does the virus respond to you more or you to the virus?

Why do chemotherapy patients experience taste aversion?

Chemotherapy patients often experience taste aversions to particular foods because they undergo a process of learning called classical conditioning. Classical conditioning occurs when a particular thing that doesn't actually elicit any reaction (called a neutral stimulus) is paired with something that naturally elicits some reaction (called an unconditioned stimulus), and then an association develops between the original stimulus and the reaction (after which the neutral stimulus is then referred to as the conditioned stimulus). The chemicals used in chemotherapy (unconditioned stimulus) are what naturally cause nausea and vomiting; however, sometimes food eaten soon after receiving chemotherapy treatment (neutral stimulus) can be associated with the feeling of illness caused by the chemo, then leading the patient to develop an aversion to that particular food item (now a conditioned stimulus). Typically, classical conditioning requires multiple pairings of the unconditioned and neutral stimulus; however, learned taste aversions can develop after a single pairing, because the body is biologically prepared to develop these.

What is the difference between stimulas and response?

A stimulus is a change in an organism's surroundings or body which causes it to respond. Hence, a response is an organism's reaction to a specific stimulus.

What is the difference in reaction time when stimulus is predictable versus unpredictable?

A reflex is an involuntary response to an external stimulus, usually to protect the body. A reflex is much faster...

What does your body do reaction to a stimulus?

A Stimulus is picked up by a receptor, travels along a sensory neurone to either the spinal cord or brain, then it is processed to produce some response.

What does the word stimulus mean?

A stimulus is basically considered to be a detectable change inside or outside the body. If you sit quietly for a while, and then a loud noise goes off, that is a change from the quiet state, and therefore considered a stimulus. You most likely will jump.But if you get used to that loud noise, then you have adapted to it and it no longer triggers a response, it is no longer a stimulus; it is not changing.Basically something which urges a response is called a stimulus.

What are stimulus's?

It is a signal that causes an animal to react in some way. Some stimulus comes from outside the animal's body, while other stimulus, like thirst, come from inside the animal's body. The animal's reaction to the stimulus is called a response ------------------------------------------------ stimulus can be a object , piece of writing or a a photo that you can use to help create a performance in drama