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it means your quadrocept is sore

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Q: What is it called when your thigh muscle is in a lot of pain in everything you do?
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You pulled a muscle in your left butt cheek and upper back thigh What muscle is this and how can you?

it's called a pain in the should then turn the other cheek...

What can cause pain in the buttocks when running?

A pain in the buttocks while running can be caused by an inflamed Piriformis Muscle. The Piriformis Muscle arises from the sacrum through the sciatic notch and attaches to the bony side of the thigh. The pain can be from overuse, trauma or sudden rotation in the hips hurting your Pirformis Muscle.

My sisters thigh has a huge bruse on her upper thigh and is grey but red all around it intense pain jumped from couch to table and slammed her thigh is it possibly sprained?

You can't really sprain a muscle, however you can pull it, and because the thigh muscle is quite large, it is easier to sprain. If you are really worried, or it does not get better in the next few days, go to the doctor.

Missed period and shooting pain in right thigh?

A missed period could be due to pregnancy, stress, or diet change. Shooting pain in ones thigh could be due to changes in the body due to pregnancy, strained muscle, or a pinched nerve.

Cause of pain from between your thigh going at the back side?

The cause of pain from between your thighs that moves to the back side could be a pulled muscle. This could also be cramping associated with the menstrual cycle or even a groin muscle tear.

Early morning pain in hip thigh and leg?

early morning pain thigh and leg

What is a pain in left groin?

Could be a pulled muscle (if the pain is in the thigh) or a hernia (if the pain is in the pubic region). Also could be an infection. Go to the doctor.

What do you do for inner thigh pain?

take a pain reliever

Why does Hugh Laurie limp on house?

Because the House suffered an infarction of his thigh muscle when he was younger, and his girlfriend Stacy told Cuddy to cut out the the dead muscle. This left House in constant pain (thus the Vicodin) and a limp.

What is causing shooting pain in thigh when try to cross leg?

shortness of the tendons in you thigh

What is a pulled muscle?

When a muscle is pushed to far with exertion, small tears can occur in the muscle tissue. The pain associated with this damage when the muscle is used is called a pulled muscle.

Term meaning muscle pain?

Myalgia is the same as muscle pain. Myalgia is the medical term for muscle pain.