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Q: What is it like to live the live of a farmer in Egypt?
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Why would it be more difficult for an ancient farmer to settle in upper Egypt instead of lower Egypt?

It could be more difficult to live in Upper Egypt that in Lower Egypt because the farther south you got into the country the more desert like it became and the farmer would live farther from civilization, making it harder to ship goods to the main cities where the markets were located. The food would spoil and rot before it could be sold making the farmer's profits negative.

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it depends on what you want to do. like you can't be a farmer if you live in NYC.

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The historical figures

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Akhom was an Ancient Egypt farmer, hoped I helped >.<

What was live like as a child in anticnt Egypt?

Andy is the best.

Where in Egypt do people live today?

Most people in Egypt live in Egypt.

Where would a farmer live?

A peanut farmer would live in America... there are farms in Portland,Florida and Oklahomahope i helpz

What are the steps of a grain farmer in ancient Egypt?

i don't know ! thats why i asked !

What was the lowest ranked group in Egypt?

the lowest rank was the laborer ,farmer or slave

Where would a peanut farmer live?

A peanut farmer would live in America... there are farms in Portland,Florida and Oklahomahope i helpz