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The sharps and flats (black notes)

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Q: What is it that gives minor scales a different sounding than the major scales?
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How are the minor scales different?

Minor scales have flats and major scales have sharps.

How does major and minor scales sound different?

Major scales generally sound happier

What is the difference between the major and the harmonic scale?

Both of them are diatonic scales. Major scale is written as per key signature. Harmonic minor scales have a raised 7th. The semitone leaps in these scales are different.

How many scales are there in music?

There are thousands of different scales worldwide, so really no one knows, but when talking of major scales, there are twelve (three of which go be two names).The major scales are (in chromatic order):C major, C♯/Db major, D major, Eb major, E major, F major, F♯/Gb major, G major, Ab major, A major, Bb major, and finally B/Cb major.The scales which are italicised are the 'enharmonic equivelent' scales, meaning that they are one scale going by two different names. C♯ and Db are the same key on the piano, so are F♯/Gb and B/Cb.

What is some important stuff about scales?

The word scale has at least 3 major meanings, all quite different. There are music scales, there are scales that measure things, and there are scales on fish. Specify what you are asking for.

How many major scales are there?

There are 7 white notes, and 5 black notes on the piano, so all together you have 12 different notes, and therefore, 12 different sounding major scales.If we include the three enharmonic ones - that makes fifteen key signatures and, therefore, fifteen major scales in total.They are, from the flattest key (the one with the most amount of flats) to the sharpest key, in order: Cb, Gb, Db, Ab, Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, A, E, B, F# and C#. These are all the "real keys".Now, if you want to get theory crazy - you can look at the "imaginary scales" as well - which are scales you can figure out theoretically, but you wouldn't use them for practical reasons. This would include keys like D# Major (9 sharps) and Gbb Major (13 flats), in which case there would be an additional 20 major scales (one for every note and its enharmonic equivalent) as well, making a total of 35 scales (for the 15 real key signatures and the 20 imaginary keys).

What are the 7 major scales for percussion?

There are 12 major scales, not 7.

Do all songs have major scale?

No, songs can have major scales, minor scales, whole tone scales, etc.

Which musical scale begins with d?

Wow so so many if your new to scales id suggest D Major(for happy sounding) or minor(for sad sounding) pentatonic. the BASIC scale of rock and blues music if your a bit more advanced. you might want t tackle the Dmajor The basis's of Most western music. D major and its 7 modes have alot of different sounds and emotions in them youl have to experiment wit it. Hope This Helps

Best way to learn guitar scales?

the way i learnt i major scales was by my teacher, he showed me the shape, and it applies to all major scales. just look on youtube or something for a Cmajor scale. its all over the place. minor scales arent so different, Aminor and C major even have exactly the same notes! now work that out! ;)

What are the minor scales of the saxophone?

all instruments have the same minor scale.... actually they all have the same scales whether they be minor, major, melodic... etc. scales are not instrument specific but rather mode specific. there are also three different types of minor scales.

G flat major scales tuba?

Tuba major scales refer to circle of fourths where G major is concert G.