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Q: What is it that the faster your work the longer it takes and the slower you work the faster you finish?
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Mars takes longer to make one orbit of the sun. Its slower, and it also has further to go. Planets orbiting speeds get slower the further you go out.

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air. water takes longer to warm, but it also takes longer to cool.

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Because it takes longer and slower to go around the sun therefor making it a longer year.

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No- from my experience with drip-dry cottondrying on a line. In fact, pants may dry a little slower- the waist area takes longer, it seems. Rayon and polyester dry faster than cotton regardless whether they are shirts or pants.

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if it has a high density it will melt slower the same way the more water the longer it takes to change temperature

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No. It's much slower. The Earth takes a day to spin round. The Moon takes a month.

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no it burns slower because it takes more pressure for it to burn

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it takes a larger wheel longer to travel its circumfrance

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Find something else to do it does not take any longer than it takes and is sorta like a watched pot. If you are not sitting there waiting for the updates to be completed they will take the same time, but the time will pass faster when you're not sitting there waiting for it to finish

Does denim dry faster than other fabrics?

no it accually takes longer to dry