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Q: What is it when A week after the new moon we see half of yhe moons face lit up andbit looks like a semicircle?
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What is the description of the moon in its phase when the illuminated area is greater than a semicircle and less than a circle?

The moon is in its gibbous phase when the illuminated area is greater than a semicircle but less than a full circle. This phase is between the first quarter and full moon phases, when more than half of the moon's face is visible from Earth, but it is not yet completely illuminated.

How do you properly make the word half-moon plural and possessive?

The plural form of the compound noun half-moon is half-moons.The plural possessive form is half-moons'.Example: The necklace was made up of silver half-moons. The half-moons' shimmer lit up her face.

When moon looks like a lighted circle?

When the moon appears as a lighted circle in the sky, it is known as a full moon. This occurs when the Earth is directly between the sun and the moon, causing the entire face of the moon visible from the Earth to be illuminated. Full moons are known for their brightness and are a beautiful sight to behold in the night sky.

What is it called when the moon looks like a smiley face?

When the moon appears in a smiley face shape, it is called a waxing crescent moon. This phase occurs shortly after the new moon phase, when the moon is beginning to grow in illumination.

How was Phoebe described in Walk Two Moons in her phsical?

phoebe is a quiet girl who stayed mostly by herself.she had a pleasant round face and huge,enormous sky-blue eyes. Around this pleasant round face, her hair - as yellow as a crows foot-curled in short ringlets.

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