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This can be caused by inhibitor molecules known as neurotoxins occupying the active sites of the receptor molecules of the postsynaptic neurone membrane, this prevents an action potential from being carried from the presynaptic neurone to the postsynaptic neurone, thus preventing the passage of a nerve impulse and consequental muscular contractions that produce an effect to stimuli

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Q: What is it when nerve impulses are interrupted and muscles don't react?
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What does the tissues responsible for sensing stimuli?

The body tissue that has fibers that react to stimuli is called the "nervous tissue". The nervous tissue is composed of neurons or nerve cells that receive and transmit impulses and the "neuroglia" that help to transmit nerve impulses and also provide nutrition for the nerve cells.

Path way of the message to the nervous system?

The stimuli will be picked up by the sensory neurons then nerve impulses travel to your spinal cord. Those nerve impulses return to motor neurons that will react (like you pull your hand away, or you yell) as you react the nerve impulses travel to your brain.

What are the two ways main ways in which neurons are able to react stimuli?

Nerves receive signals meaning that they can respond to a stimulus. Once a stimulus is received by a nerve cell it converts it to a neural impulse which passes along the nerve. Nerves are able to transmit impulses along the length of the nerve cell in the form of an electrical signal.

What are the nerve cells that react to gases?

Olfactory nerve cells

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Muscle twitching is mainly cause by stress and anxiety.

What muscles react very quickly?

Skeletal muscles react very quickly of all three muscle type, probably.

Laws governing neuron?

all or nothing law - states that it is either that neuron reacts or not at all but if it does react, it reacts with fullest strength law of dynamic polarity - states that nerve impulses travel only in one direction from neuron to neuron

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its false... skeletal muscles cannot react quickly and they don't tire easily...

How might smooth muscles react slowly and tire slowly be an advantage for smooth muscles?

it makes it tight

What is a neroun that carries impulses away from the central nervous system to the body parts that react?

They are called as motor neurons.

What is the weakest nerve in the body?

There is not a weakest nerve in the body. All nerves react the same to stimuli granted the stimuli is strong enough.

What is the part of the nervous system that is voluntary and conducts impulses from the CNS to the skeletal muscles?

if i remember correctly, we have receptors throughout our body which will transfer all sensations to our brain, which will then immediately send a signal back to react. Example: by placing your finger over a lit candle, the heat from the flame will cause your receptors in your finger to react by quickly alerting the brain that there is something foreign affecting the body, which in return, the brain will transmit signals through the body causing your skeletal system and muscles to react accordingly.