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No member of this site can diagnose illness or conditions of a complete stranger. Nor should we. Advice at best can only be general and at worst may be detrimental. If you are concerned about any medical problem then you should see a doctor

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Q: What is it when you have a burning sensation in your vagina and a pain in your side?
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What are the signs or symptoms of neuralgia?

i had neuralgia and i felt a burning sensation down one side of my face, slight pain in my ear and at the back of my head.

What is the cause if a burning sensation on your left side by your waist?

Gas trouble

What causes a Burning sensation on right side of stomachs above the novel.?

Often appendicitis.

Can you get whiplash from a side impact accident?

to answer your question in short...yes. i can say so with 100% garuntee as i am living proof. and its not a pleasnt experience either. my should arm and neck left side are in pain or a burning sensation up the side of my neck aqccompanied with headaches left jaw pain and this annoying ringing in my ears.

What are the possible side effects of an angiographic procedure?

The injection causes some mild to moderate discomfort. Possible side effects or reactions include headache, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, nausea, warmth, burning sensation, and chest pain, but they usually last only momentarily

Burning pain along one side of spine muscle - skin burns like sunburn or burnt by hot water?

It sounds like shingles. it is caused by the chickenpox virus and it lives in the spine. sometimes it can escape and give a burning sensation. it is treated by medication. it can be painful and even after treatment you can still have the pain for up to 12 months after the flare up in rare cases. i have recently been diagnosed with this myself and it is a different pain to normal back pain as it is a constant burning, in my case it is only in 1 small spot on the left side of my spine, see your dr and they will be able to help

What side effect does cough medicine have?

Cough medicine has relatively few side effects, when taken properly, but stomachaches are possible or a slight burning sensation when taking the medicine.

What are the side effects of ultra lipolysis?

Side effects will include: redness, light swelling and a burning sensation. You will also get bruising for a week or two. Its described as a relatively painless procedure.

What causes a Burning sensation under the skin?

large amounts of the vitamin niacin can cause the skin burning problemniacin - vitamin B. niacin is one of between 40 and 80 essential human nutrients. people taking these supplements experience a wide range of dermatological side eefects including - a burning sensation under the skin.allergy to cleaning products, soap or foodcan also be anxiety relatedneuropathy can also cause a burning sensation under the skinbest advice would be to talk to your health care provider.

What are the symptoms one should look out for in case one might have sciatic nerve pain?

Pain is often on one side and may radiate to the buttocks, legs and feet. It may feel like a mild tingling, burning sensation, or dull ache. Some people have sharp pain in one part and numbness in others. The affected leg might feel weak. The pain often starts slowly. The pain may get worse at night when standing , when sneezing, coughing or laughing. After walking for 50 yards you might start to experience.

What side effects do tetracyclines have?

The most common side effects are stomach cramps or a burning sensation in the stomach, mild diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. These problems usually go away as the body adjusts to the drug and do not require medical treatment.