

What is javasript?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What is javasript?
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What is difference between vb script and java script?

JavaScript is just like VB Script, but VB Script is what windows made to try to get rid of JavaScript, but as you can see im sure JavaSript is the winner. They are the same thing pretty much just a little alterations in the code.

Why script language such as javasript?

JavaScript can be useful for turning HTML into something more dynamic and interesting to the user. Also, you can do things like check to see if fields have been filled before a submit function is clicked. Although sometimes JavaScript can be ugly and very un-professional, it still has its uses today.

Advantages of Java script to HTML?

There are no real advantages to JavaSript to HTML but rather JavaScript enhances HTML by making it dynamic. HTML as we know is static and therefore once an HTML document has been created it cannot be changed. JavaScript has two basic functionalities which are: 1. To build HTML dynamically as the web page is loaded and; 2. To monitor as well as react to User events.

What skills are needed to be a computer engineer?

In order to become a computer programmer you have to chose a specified programming language java ,c++ or web languages like php , asp others like css HTML and javasript are side languages. then you have to be good in logic too and lots of practice obviously that's it three four lines but lots of years and study.

What is innerHTML in javascript?

innerHTML is often used in javasript to change the value already present in html tags. For eg The following code will change the text on button click <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function changeText() { document.getElementById("changeText").innerHTML = "I am fine thank you. How about you?" } </script> </head> <body> <div id="changeText"> Hello! How are you? </div> <input type="button" value="Change Text" id="button_1" onclick="changeText()" /> </body> </html>

What's the difference between visual basic and vbscript?

JavaScript is just like VB Script, but VB Script is what windows made to try to get rid of JavaScript, but as you can see im sure JavaSript is the winner. They are the same thing pretty much just a little alterations in the code.

Java sript vs VB script?

Hi all, javascript is case sensitive vbscript is not. javascript will explore in all the browser, vb accept only internet explore javascript only for client side, vbscript both client side and serverside js is client side validation,vbscript for server side validation if you don't get. u can reach me

What is the difference between javascript and C programming language?

Mainly JavaSript is a low-level scripting language that differs from the high-level languages in its easiness. The core language is really simple, and is designed to be easier for beginners, I.e. JS i loosly typed. Meaning that a variable can reference any kind of literal, array or object, which differs from the high-level C-languages where you have to declare if a variable i to reference an integer, floating-point, string, hash-map and so on. Another major difference is that JS, like python or php isn't compiled to machine code, but interpreted at runtime, making programs run significantly slower than compiled programs. Another difference which is good, and unique to JS is that it does not inherit the C class model when working in OOP. Objects in JavaScripts can be crated and altered as one want to, beeing more dynamic to work with. A classical model can however be adopted with use of functions and use of the 'new' keyword. Here the lack of private variables can be worked around by the use of a technique called 'closure'. The major difference however is that programs written in JS to work with the HTML DOM tend to not follow the normal procedural 'step-by-step' executions as conventional programs, where one line of code is being executed at the time. In stead JS tend to follow a Event Loop model, where different parts of the programs are attached to different DOM events. The JS-program will then sleep until a event is fired, then wake up, do its job, then go back to sleep. And so on. All in all making JS a very dynamic and "fun to work with" language.