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Q: What is jerking the rod and forcing the hook into a fish's mouth called?
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What are good size fishs to mount?

If it's a small-mouth bass a good size to mount would be 5 lbs and up. Especially if it's caught in ontario.

If a fish breaks a fishing line will the hook stay in the fishs mouth?

Depends, If the hook goes down the throat into the belly the fish is as good as dead. If the hook is in the hard tissues around the opening of the mouth there is a very good chance he will shake it free.

Thorazine side effects are?

dry mouth, constipation, insomina, virtigo, in some cases involuntary movements with the tongue, and jerking body movements.

What does it mean when someone gags you?

It means that someone is forcing something in/over your mouth to stop you from speaking/crying out.

How many syllables in heap?

1 if you put your mouth under you chin your chin only goes down ONCE. So you cant do he-ap thats called "forcing" the word. So there is only ONE.

Why do bubble come out of a fishs mouth?

They blow air bubbles which may mean a sign of lack of air or they may be pregnant and are making a nest for the eggs.

What type of sport is 'snagging' associated with?

Snagging, also called snag fishing, is the sport of fishing with the use of hooks but without focusing on bait-in-mouth fishing. The technique involves immediately jerking the fishing line into the fish's mouth with the hook just prior to or immediately upon the bait being seized. Multi-hook lines are typical with snagging.

What are animals called that have no mouth?

Mouth-less animals.

Long pauses of breat?

Long pauses of breathing, breathing by mouth , night sweats and specially snoring during sleep are signs of sleep apnea. But those jerking movements are not caused by sleep apnea.

What is the relationship between the number of times a fishs mouth opens and closes and the number of times the gill covers move?

The gills move after every they open their mouth to intake water. Gill rakers, located along the anterior margin of the gill arch, strain water that is passed ove the gills and exchange the water for gasses (oxygen and carbon dioxide).

What instramentis called the 'mouth organ' or 'french harp'?

it is the can also be called the mouth organ

What is an entrance to a cave called?

An entrance to a cave is called a cave mouth or cave opening.