

What is katimine?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: What is katimine?
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What is the street value of katimine?

Generally, $100 for a gram if powdered. A vial of liquid ketamine yields approximately 1 gram (possibly as much as 1/4 gram more) if "powdered up". This can be done several ways, the most often used method is to pour the vial into a pyrex pie plate and bake at 275 degrees for 18 minutes. Then scrape what is left on the plate once the liquid evaporates off and chop it into a powder. It has the strongest effects when fresh.

What does using Katimine and methamphetamine do to you?

"PARTY" DRUGS THAT AINT NO PARTYKETAMINE IS AN anesthetic used by vets to tranquilize animals before surgery. When people take it for "fun" (sometimes called "Vitamin K" or "Special K", it basically screws you up and can knock you out. Too much of it can kill you. You lose your senses and may hallucinate. It also makes you forget what, where, and why, leaving you at risk of being taken advantage of (robbed, raped, photographed etc), so it isn't a good idea to take. METHAMPHETAMINE is a drug that some people would compare to cocaine. It does compare, in the sense that they are both stimulants, & harmful to health and relationships. But what a lot of first time users do not know it sure is NOT cocaine!! Completely different. Terribly more destructive.It makes your heart, mind and thoughts race. Too much can give you a heart attack.It is very addictive and eventually make you PSYCHOTIC if you keep taking it. Literally, delusional, paranoia.. hallucinations. Crazy, unimaginable things. And unless you've experienced it, you have no idea.You see movies or hear about people in nut houses literally being psychotically messed up. It is a definite possibility that you could end up like that if you use long enough- meaning either "very often for a small-to-medium amount of time" or "however often for a long time" Either like the nuts in nut house or... It AGES you like crazy. The mental issues go hand in hand with just killing your social life, job, friends, before killing YOU. If you don't literally die, you very well might as well be dead because your PERSONALITY, CHARISMA, ABILITY TO BE HAPPY & make jokes, SMILE, is all gone...Let me clarify. Doing meth even up to i'd say (do not quote, but from personal experience) maybe 10 times throughout the course of 1 year, will not kill your personality as I was talking about above. Most likely as long as its not some strong, weird stuff. Most likely won't make you psychotic long term. (But the one year of using will absolutely have some psychotic experiences) BUT you will never be as happy as you were before you used! The 10 times in one year will most likely not hurt you terribly long term, except for your always going to be a little less happy then your were before you touched it. Fact.Meth is CHEMICALS. Other drugs are bad, absolutely, but most are plants and a little more natural. (Speaking very broadly) Meth is all nasty terrible chemicals. I'm done my fair share of it. Had a crazy all night hallucination cause it was my third night up. Where I couldn't distinguish reality from non-reality. My mom and sister thought I was crazy- literally. Like I mentioned before. There were all sorts of people coming to get me... just ridiculous scary, very hard to explain, things. Very mental.It won't make you mental right away, I've done it an average... (not sure exactly at all) maybe 15-20 times in the last two years. And am still attractive, have all my teeth, can put together these paragraphs, can go out and have fun. But again will never be as happy in general in life if I had never touched it!Haven't touched that creepy/weird/scary stuff since that 3 night up episode a couple months ago. It is fun to do absolutely.. But the after effects and long term is NOT EVEN CLOSE to being worth it. NEVER try it. Even if you don't OD, get mental, lose teeth, etc etc... you brain is never going to have complete satisfaction again without it!Any questions just ask me. There is soo much information about it.