

What is kernel and shell in unix?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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13y ago

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The kernel The kernel is the hub of the operating system: it allocates time and memory to programs and handles the filestore and communications in response to system calls. The shell The shell acts as an interface between the user and the kernel. When a user logs in, the login program checks the username and password, and then starts another program called the shell.

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Layers of UNIX Operation System along with an example to illustrate the interaction between shell and Kernel.The UNIX operating system is made up of three parts: the kernel, the shell and the programs.The kernelThe kernel of UNIX is the hub of the operating system: it allocates time and memory to programs and handles the filestore and communications in response to system calls.The shellThe shell acts as an interface between the user and the kernel. The shell is a command line interpreter (CLI). It interprets the commands the user types in and arranges for them to be carried out. The commands are themselves programs: when they terminate, the shell gives the user another prompt ($ on our systems).The programsA program is refereed to as a process while the kernel is running it. The Kernel can run the same shell program(or any other program) simultaneously for many users on a Unix System, and each running copy of the program is a separate process. The Shell is also a program that the UNIX Kernel runs for the user.As an illustration of the way that the shell and the kernel work together, suppose a user types rm myfile(which has the effect of removing the file myfile). The shell searches the filestore for the file containing the program rm, and then requests the kernel, through system calls, to execute the program rm on myfile. When the process rm myfile has finished running, the shell then returns the UNIX prompt $ to the user, indicating that it is waiting for further commands.- Submitted by SRKStudent of NIITContact No. : +91-9534330837Email:

What is kernel in UNIX operating system?

kernel is everything in unix os

What are the main components of UNIX operating system?

The four main components are: the Kernel, the Shell, the File system and Command

What are the four main components of UNIX Operating System?

The four main components are: the Kernel, the Shell, the File system and Command

What is diffrance between Linux and unix?

Shell is a program which allows the user to access the computer system. Shell is an interface between the user and computer system. Kernel is the only way through which the programs (all programs including shell) can access the hardware. Its a layer between the appliation programs and hardware. It is the core of most of the operating systems and manages everything including the communication between the hardware and software. KERNEL is the core part of operating system. It contain modules like device modules and other modules etc. Kernel is written in C language. Basically kernel is mediator between hardware and Operating System. But SHELL is an interface between users and operating system. Both are mediator but work is totally different. Let we have an example of "eject" command in Linux operating system: User give a command to Shell through input device like keyboard and see that command on video Device like monitor, but in actual concept is user give a command to shell, then this shell transfer that command to kernel.when kernel have module of that command then it transfer to hardware like CDROM. After that hardware behave as the module in kernel and then kernel again transfer the output to Shell. And finally shell transfer that output to user. Hardware <---> Kernel <---> Shell <---> User

Is the kernel in a unix os a program?

The kernel is the central control program of Unix and the majority of other operating systems.

What is the name of kernel in Unix Linux and Windows Vista?

As Unix isn't any particular operating system, there is no distinct name for the kernel. Different versions of Unix may have vastly different kernel structures. The Linux kernel is called, well, the Linux kernel. The Vista kernel is a continuation of the "NT kernel" designed for Windows NT 3.1.

What is the architecture of Unix?

- The functioning of UNIX operating system is handled in three levels. At the heart of UNIX is the kernel, which interact with actual hardware. Kernel is the fundamental part(core) of the OS. That resides in main memory at all times. On the outer crust are the application packages and user programs. The dilled layer is the shell which acts as a mediator that translates the commands given by the application programs in the outer later and conveys them to the kernel layer. The kernel then executes these commands using the inner hardware.

Does Linux use the kernel of Unix?

No, it is unix-based but Linux is a kernel not an operating system.Ubuntu,Linux Mint,Debian,and puppy Linux,ect. are OS's that use the Linux kernel.

The core of all unix and Linux systems is called the kernel?


What is a shell in Linux?

Typically.... Bash. Could also be tcsh, zsh, or pdksh. Or something really weird. Try:echo $SHELL and see what that gets you. Shell is a software program that allows you to interact and access a computer system. User can enter commands in the shell prompt, which will be executed by the shell. Since the only means of communication through shell is text, it is known as Command-Line-Interfaceor CLI.A shell is a command interpreter and serves as a user interface to the Linux kernel