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Sex chromosomes are called allosomes and in humans they are called the XY (male) or XX (female) pair.

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Q: What is labeled the sex chromosome?
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What is the difference between sex chromosome an autosomal chromosome?

the autosome do not control the sex organs . but the sex chromosome control the sex organs

What is the link between sex-linked disorders and sex chromosome disorders?

sex-linked is normally involving X chromosome sex chromosome normally involving Y chromosome

What condition is carried on a chromosome other then the sex chromosome?

The gene that causes cystic fibrosis is located on chromosome 7, which is an autosome, not a sex chromosome.

In genetics what is the female sex chromosomes?

X chromosome

What are the x and y chromazones?

The Y chromosome is the male sex chromosome, but males also carry a X chromosome from their mother. XY. The female sex chromosome is the Y chromosome; YY is female. ( generally, as sex chromosome number in both sexes can vary )

Which chromosome contains the sex gene?

chromosome 1 chromosome 1

How are autosomes similar to sex chromosomes?

Sex chromosomes and autosomes are from the same chromosome, The chromosome has 46 chromosomes and 2 of them are sex chromosomes and the rest are called autosomes

Are all sex genes in male and female located on the sex chromosome?

No, the sex chromosome will just activate them, for instance, masculine characteristics may be on chromosome 3, the y chromosome will activate these in a man and a second x chromosome will deactivate these in a woman.

How sex is determined in Valanga Sp with regard to its chromosome?

Valanga sp. sex is determined by using the XO system. This system use only one type of sex chromosome, the X. Females are XX while males have only one sex chromosome (XO). Sex of the offspring is determined by whether the sperm cell contain and X chromosome or no sex chromosome.

In humans what are the chromosome pairs 1 through 22 called?

Chromosome pair 23 in humans is the pair of sex chromosomes. In females, both sex chromosomes are the X sex chromosome, and in human males one sex chromosome is the X and the other is the Y chromosome.

What are sex-linked disorders?

Disabilities or disorders that are linked to reproduction or sex For more info GOOGLE IT!

What type of sex chromosome will be contained by the sex cells of a female giraffe?

X chromosome only