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Q: What is lack of blood to a tissue fed by blocked arteries?
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Lack of blood to a tissue fed by blocked arteries is called?


What connective tissue contains fluid and lacks fibers?

blood is considered s type of connective tissue, and it lack fibers

What transports blood to left lungs?

The pulmonary arteries. They are called arteries because they leave the heart but they are UNLIKE the other arteries because they have a lack of oxygen.

What does the epidermis lack?

blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and connective tissue

What cells has one free surface and lack blood vessels?

epithelial tissue

Can a tissue sample grow bigger?

no it cannot ...because of lack of blood supply ...

What is the suffocating chest pain associated with coronary artery disease called?

It is called "angina" or more specifically "angina pectoris" (Latin a strangling of the chest). It is caused by the lack of oxygen to the heart muscles, the blood flow in the cardiac arteries being blocked, typically by atherosclerosis.

Why do arterioles lack elastic tissue layer?

because it does not need to widthstand the large amount of blood presssures

How can the heart muscles be affected if the coronary artery is blocked?

If a coronary artery is blocked, the heart muscles will not get enough oxygen. This condition is known as ischemia. If the condition continues, the ischemia may lead to infarction, or death of tissue due to lack of oxygen.

Why is the movement of oxygenated faster than that of de-oxygenerated blood?

Oxygenated blood is pumped from the (left side of the) heart through the arteries and so is under a relatively high degree of pressure from there which contributes to its "speed." Additionally, arteries have a good mix of muscular and elastic tissue which also help propel blood along. Deoxgenated blood travels back to the heart through veins. Veins have larger lumens and lack the degree of muscular and elastic tissue that arteries have. They are also are too far from the heart to benefit from the pumping action from it AND they have to work against gravity. As a result, veins depend on muscle contractions in your lower limbs to squeeze the blood upward towards the heart. As you might imagine this isn't nearly as fast as a heart that pumps blood forward 60 to 80 times a minute and so deoxygenated venous blood moves much slower that oxygenated arterial blood.

Do veins have thick elastic walls?

No, arteries have thicker walls because blood pumps through the arteries around the body, therefore blood pumps through arteries which a high pressure so thick walls are needed. Blood goes through veins with a lower pressure as they lead back to the heart to be oxygenated.

What type of people get exposed to gangrene?

GANGRENE IS NOT something you are exposed to or that you catch. Rather, it is a condition of your skin tissue. Actually, it is DEAD tissue, caused by lack of blood circulation. In one particular situation, DIABETES that is not treated or managed, causes lack of circulation to the extremeties. When the tissue lacks oxygen, the tissue dies and starts to rot. That is why they have to AMPUTATE; to get rid of the dead tissue.