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Juliet did not marry Paris because everyone thought she was dead, the day after 'accepting' the marriage, so technically she was sad?

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Q: What is lady capulets reaction to Juliet not marrying Paris?
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Why have the capulets not yet formally approached Juliet with the possibilities of marrying Paris?

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What awful thing do the capulets discover on the day Paris and Juliet's wedding?

The find that Juliet has died.

How does Juliet hear about her marrying Paris?

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What would Paris get out of marrying Juliet?

Paris would gain social status and wealth by marrying Juliet, as she comes from a respected and affluent family. Additionally, the union could potentially merge the Capulet and Paris families, increasing their influence in Verona.

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In Act 4, Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet, the Capulets are preparing for Juliet's wedding to Paris. However, the event takes a tragic turn when Juliet is found seemingly dead in her room.

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Capulet wants to secure a good match for Juliet with Paris, who is a nobleman in Verona. He also believes that marrying Paris will bring honor and security to Juliet and the family. Additionally, Capulet may be eager to hasten the marriage due to the ongoing feud between the Capulets and Montagues, hoping it will help bring peace.

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He acts oblivious to the fact Juliet doesn't want to marry Paris, and continues to convince Paris that the wedding is still on.

What is Capulet's instructions to his wife?

To tell Juliet that she's marrying Paris.

What does Juliet do to keep from marrying count Paris?

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Why do Friar and Paris show up at the Capulets' mausoleum in scene 5?

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What does lord capulets plans force Juliet to do?

He wants her to marry the man he has chosen for her.

Which family does county Paris most closely in Romeo and Juliet?

Paris is a member of the Duke's family but identifies himself totally with the Capulets.