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Q: What is latitude (degrees) for Orion?
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The latitude of Orion?

The visible latitudes for Orion(constellation) is between +85o and -75o.

What is Orion's longitude hours with latitude?

what is orions longitude hours with latitude

Where on earth can you see Lepus?

You can see Lepus from anywhere on earth up to about latitude 60 degrees North. Look under Orion as seen from the northen hemisphere.

How many degrees of latitude are there from zero degrees latitude to the north pole?

There are 90 degrees latitude from the equator (zero degrees latitude) to the North Pole.

What is co-latitude and latitude?

Latitude is the measurement of degrees from the equator to the pole so that the pole has a latitude of 90 degrees. Co-latitude is the measurement of degrees from the pole to the equator so that the equator has a latitude of 90 degrees. Also the sum of latitude and co-latitude is always 90 degrees.

What is the latitude of 60 degrees north?

60 degrees north is a latitude.

What is the line of latitude that is zero degrees latitude is the?

Zero degrees of latitude is the Equator.

What is the degrees between the lines of latitude?

A line of latitude is the line of latitude shown on a map, usually representing 10 degrees latitude. Degrees of latitude are simply the number of degrees, such as 33.33 etc.

What is the difference between lines and degrees of latitude?

A line of latitude is the line of latitude shown on a map, usually representing 10 degrees latitude. Degrees of latitude are simply the number of degrees, such as 33.33 etc.

Zero degrees latitude?

Zero degrees latitude is the Equator.

What are zero degrees of latitude?

0 degrees latitude is the Equator.

What is the difference of latitude from latitude 040 degrees north to the equator?

40 degrees. The equator is zero latitude.