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Q: What is levoscoliosis of the lumbar spine and the conus is at L1?
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What is sclerosis in the lower spine?

Scoliosis is thickening or hardening of the bone. The lower lumbar spine is the lower back (Disks L1 - L5). Scoliosis in the lower lumbar spine means you have thickening or hardening of the bone in the lower back (lumbar disks L1-L5).

What does Conus medullaris terminates at t12-l1mean?

Conus medullaris is the lower end of the spinal cord. L1 is level 1 of the lumbar vertebral. T12 refers to the 12 thoracic pairs. It shows the position at the spinal cord where the conus medullaris ends.

What is levo scoliosis?

Levoscoliosis is a left curvature of the spine. It can be mild, which does not normally cause any health problems, or more severe, which can cause problems. It can be found in the lumbar (lower back) or thoracic (mid-back) area.

What does Conus medullaris terminates at t12 l1mean?

Conus medullaris is the lower end of the spinal cord. L1 is level 1 of the lumbar vertebral. T12 refers to the 12 thoracic pairs. It shows the position at the spinal cord where the conus medullaris ends.

What is the medical term meaning lumbar?

"Lumbar" refers to the region of the back or spine made up of the lumbar vertebrae. The 1st lumbar vertebra is just under the 12th thoracic vertebra. The easiest way to find this is to find the first vertebral body not connected to a rib. This is L1 (1st lumbar vertebra). There are 5 lumbar vertebrae (L1 through L5). The 5th lumbar vertebra sits on top of the sacrum (where your spine connects with your pelvis).

What is lumbar sclerosis?

Scoliosis is thickening or hardening of the bone. The lower lumbar spine is the lower back (Disks L1 - L5). Scoliosis in the lower lumbar spine means you have thickening or hardening of the bone in the lower back (lumbar disks L1-L5).

What is lumber in the human body?

The lumbar spine is the lower back that begins below the last thoracic vertebra (T12) and ends at the top of the sacral spine, or sacrum (S1). Most people have 5 lumbar levels (L1-L5), although it is not unusual to have 6. Each lumbar spinal level is numbered from top to bottom—L1 through L5, or L6.13-

What is the spinal cord terminus?

Not much information here in context to efficiently answer the question but I will try. The spinal cord generally ends (terminates) around the L1 vertebral level in the lumbar spinal column give or take a level or so in normal humans. After this, small spinal nerves continue down in a sac and exit the lumbar and sacral spine to innervate the pelvis and lower extremities.

Name the lower back vertebrae?

lumbar: L1,L2,L3,L4,L5 sacrum coccyx

Where is the conus medullaris located in adults?

The conus medullaris, the terminal end of the spinal cord, is located near L1 and L2.

Which part of the spine is the thoracic spine?

There are three parts of the spine, the cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Each vertebrae is listed by its number. For example the first 7 vertebrae (from the top) are listed as C1-C7 meaning C for cervical. The thoracic vertebrae starts after C7, the 8th vertebrae is T1-T12, so there is 12 individual vertebraes in the thoracic spine. After the thoracic, is the lumbar which have 5 individual vertebrae, L1-L5.

Where are L1-5 nerves?

L1-5. These nerves enter from the lumbar vertebrae of the lower back.