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Q: What is life like for teenage mothers?
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Teenage mothers are not more likely to be dependent on welfare than other mothers?


Teenage mothers are not more likely to be dependent on welfare than other mothers.?


How was teenage life like in Elizabethan England?

Assuming the question should be "WHAT was teenage life like...", it was good if you were rich and pretty brutal, dirty and short if you weren't.

What has the author Jack Zackler written?

Jack Zackler has written: 'The teenage pregnant girl' -- subject(s): Illegitimacy, Illegitimate children, In adolescence, Pregnancy, Teenage mothers, Unmarried mothers

Does the mothers age play a role in premature birth?

Young, teenage mothers are at a higher risk for having premature infants.

What has the author Alan Lindsay written?

Alan Lindsay has written: 'A' -- subject(s): Fiction, Single mothers, Teenage mothers

Is it just normal teenage behaviour to not like your life?

It could be just normal teenage behavior to not like your life but you may want to talk to someone to make sure something more isn't going on, like depression.

What has the author William Vaughan written?

William Vaughan has written: 'Teenage pregnancies in Missouri, 1972-1982' -- subject(s): Statistics, Teenage mothers, Teenage pregnancy

What has the author Kristin A Moore written?

Kristin A. Moore has written: 'Private crisis, public cost' -- subject(s): Birth control, Government policy, Public welfare, Services for, Teenage mothers 'Choice and circumstance' -- subject(s): African American teenage mothers, African American youth, Birth control, Sexual behavior, Teenage mothers, Youth

When did My Life as a Teenage Robot end?

My Life as a Teenage Robot was created on 2003-08-01.

What has the author Bev O'Brien written?

Bev O'Brien has written: 'Mom I'm--- pregnant' -- subject(s): Case studies, Christianity, Parenting, Religious aspects of Parenting, Teenage mothers, Teenage pregnancy, Unmarried mothers