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It will collapse.

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Q: What is likely to happen to a molecular cloud core with a mass that is less than its Jeans Mass?
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If you wanted to observe a molecular cloud in what wavelength of light would you most likely observe?


The most common molecule in a molecular cloud is?

molecular hydrogen H2

What does the gravitational force in a molecular cloud depends on?

The gravitational force in a molecular cloud depends on the mass of the cloud and the distance between particles. The force is stronger when there is more mass within the cloud and when particles are closer together.

Is Solar nebula a star?

No, its a molecular cloud.

What is the Scale for universe molecular cloud galaxy star planet asteroid and atom biggest to smallest?

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What event may trigger new star formation in a spiral arm?

If an interstellar cloud is massive enough that the gas pressure is insufficient to support it, the cloud will undergo gravitational collapse. The mass above which a cloud will undergo such collapse is called the Jeans mass. The Jeans mass depends on the temperature and density of the cloud, but is typically thousands to tens of thousands of solar masses. In so-called triggered star formation, one of several events might occur to compress a molecular cloud and initiate its gravitational collapse. Molecular clouds may collide with each other, or a nearby supernova explosion can be a trigger, sending shocked matter into the cloud at very high speeds. Finally, galactic collisions can trigger massive starbursts of star formation as the gas clouds in each galaxy are compressed and agitated by tidal forces.

What is the most abundant material in a giant molecular cloud?


What is the birthplace of stars called?

Molecular cloud or Stellar Nursery .

Can A Tornado Happen With No Clouds?

No, it can not happen. You will always need a cloud to form a tornado. The kind of cloud that a tornado uses is a cumulonimbus cloud.

When did Dark Cloud happen?

Dark Cloud happened in 2000.

When did Cloud Kingdoms happen?

Cloud Kingdoms happened in 1990.

What happens to the visible radiation produced by new stars within a molecular cloud?

The visible radiation produced by new stars within a molecular cloud is absorbed and scattered by the surrounding gas and dust in the cloud. This can cause the radiation to be reddened, blocked, and scattered in different directions, making it more difficult to detect the stars visually.