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Q: What is liquid magma that flows from a volcanic vent called?
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What is the part of the volcano called where the magma flows out of?

This is known as a volcanic vent.

What is the liquid rock in a volcano called?

Liquid or molten rock is called magma when it is below the ground and lava when it flows above the ground.

Liquid rock is called?

Liquid or molten rock is called magma when it is below the ground and lava when it flows above the ground.

What is molten rock material that flows over the earths surface?

Molten rock material that flows over the Earth's surface is called lava. Lava is typically generated during a volcanic eruption and can create new landforms such as lava fields, volcanic cones, and lava tubes as it cools and solidifies.

What happen in volcanic eruption?

Magma flows onto surrounding Landscape.

What is a volcanic crater feature?

A volcanic crater is a generally circular shaped depression.

Is molten rock inside a volcano?

Lava is the name for molten rock that appears at or near the surface from volcanic activity.

Openings through which magma flows out of the earth's surface?

a volcanic vent

Which of these are examples of magma that has reached the earth's surface?

lava flows and volcanic ashes

Lava flows and volcanic ash are examples of magma that has reached the earth's surface.?


Area of rock that flows like a thick liquid?

The area of rock that flows like a thick liquid is called lava. Lava is molten rock that erupts from a volcano and can flow slowly downhill, resembling the movement of a thick liquid.

How viscosity affect volcanic eruptions?

Viscosity is how thick the magma is and this can impact on how much a volcano erupts and how it flows.