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Q: What is liquid water a suitable temperature and a suitable atmosphere all required for?
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What are three Goldilocks conditions?

The Three Goldilocks conditions are that the temperature is not too hot and not too cold. It is Just Right. If the earth were much hotter, water would be gas-water Vapor. If Earth were much colder, water would be solid Ice.

What does the phrase Goldilocks conditions referred to?

Earth has liquid water and suitable temperature range and atmosphere for living things to survive. Your Welcome People!

What conditions does life need on Earth to survive?

it needs the sun, the ozone layer, air, and water for it to survive.Earth has liquid water and suitable temperature range and atmosphere for living things to survive.

What are the 5 requirements to sustain life?

(WANTS)1. Water - Necessary for metabolism to occur2. Air- Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, and nitrogen3. Nutrients-Required for energy and to grow and develop4. Tempature-All organisms have a stable temperature in which to survive5. Space- adequate space to thrive

What is ammonia a liquid or a gas?

At STP (standard temperature and pressure) it is a gas. It can be made to be a liquid or gas by adjusting the temperature and pressure around it, but at room temperature and one atmosphere of pressure (sea level) it is a gas.

What is the physical state of alcohol?

Ethanol, for example, is liquid at room temperature.

What are the properties which make mercury suitable for clinical thermometer?

Its a liquid at room temperature and it has a high rate of thermal expansion and contraction(changes volume with temperature).

What does the latent heat of fusion represent?

The energy required to melt a substance. (Apex)

What characteristics must a liquid have before it can be used in a thermometer?

One thermometric property that is required is that it must vary linearly with temperature. In liquid-in-glass thermometers, the length of the liquid thread is often used to determine temperature. Thus when temperature increases, the liquid must expand uniformly with temperature, so that it can be used to measure temperature accurately.

Is Nitrogen is a solid at room temperature and pressure?

Liquid nitrogen can be kept at room temperature at sufficient pressure. Otherwise, it is a gas.

Are all metals in solid state at room temperature?

no. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature under 1 atmosphere. And hydrogen, technically, is also a metal.

What is the difference between nitrogen in the atmosphere and liquid nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen is made by taking in air from the atmosphere and compressing and cooling it. Once it is cool enough, it forms a liquid. This liquid contains argon, oxygen and nitrogen. These elements are then separated and sold as a commodity. The temperature is the only difference.