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Q: What is living that a virus or parasite used for resources and shelter?
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What is a parasite bacteria or virus?

Bacteria. A virus is a non-living thing. Bacteria is a living thing.

What do you call a living thing that a virus or parasite lives on?

A host.

What is a bacteria that causes a disease called?

A virus or a parasite.

How are viruses similar to parasites?

Viruses are similar to parasites because both require a host to survive and both destroy the cells in which they multiply (cause harm to the host).

Is a virus a parasite Why?

A virus is considered a parasite because it attaches to a cell and kills it.

What kind of bacteria is in tapeworm?

a tapeworm is neither, it is a living organism which lives in the intestine. but if any, it COULD be classed as a virus.

Why virus are called obligatory parasites?

They are obligate in the sense that they cannot replicate outside of a host cell. To make a copy of itself, a virus must first enter a cell (intracellular), hijack the machinations of said cell (parasitic behavior) and then copy itself.

Do virus live only inside the cell of another organism yes or no?

Yes virus cannot survive on the atmosphere beside living in host. It is a kind a neutral parasite which acts like a non living but works on the living cell

What are the differences between a virus and a parasite?

A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another organism (the host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense. A virus is a form of parasite.

Does a parasite have DNA?

Of course they have. Only some virus lack them

Is parasite a virus or bacteria?

Bacteria. A virus is a non-living thing. Bacteria is a living thing.

How is a virus cause a disease in a host?

a virus can ony reproduce inside a living cell that surves as a host. A Host is living thing that a virus or parasite lives on or in . Using a host's cell as a tiny factory , the virus forces the host to make viruses rather than healthy new cells.