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codeine.. a substance produced from opium

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Q: What is lonarid nwhat is the active ingredient in the prescription drug lonarid n?
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From the weight, you can calculate the mass - divide the weight by 9.8, the gravity on Earth. Subtract the forces, since one pushes upwards, the other downward. Finally, divide this by the mass: force = mass x acceleration.

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How do you implement stack using singly linked list?

struct node { int info; struct node *link; } *top=NULL; int main() { int choice; while(1) { printf("1.Push\n"); printf("2.Pop\n"); printf("3.Display\n"); printf("4.Quit\n"); printf("Enter your choice : ") ; scanf("%d", &choice); switch(choice) { case 1: push(); break; case 2: pop(); break; case 3: display(); break; case 4: exit(1); default : printf("Wrong choice\n"); }/*End of switch */ }/*End of while */ return 0; }/*End of main() */ void push() { struct node *tmp; int pushed_item; tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("Input the new value to be pushed on the stack : "); scanf("%d",&pushed_item); tmp->info=pushed_item; tmp->link=top; top=tmp; }/*End of push()*/ void pop() { struct node *tmp; if(top == NULL) printf("Stack is empty\n"); else { tmp=top; printf("Popped item is %d\n",tmp->info); top=top->link; free(tmp); } }/*End of pop()*/ void display() { struct node *ptr; ptr=top; if(top==NULL) printf("Stack is empty\n"); else { printf("Stack elements :\n"); while(ptr!= NULL) { printf("%d\n",ptr->info); ptr = ptr->link; }/*End of while */ }/*End of else*/ }/*End of display()*/

How do you make a program that helps a money converter determine the value of a persons money in the selected currency?

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main(){ char Peso='P'; char Dollar='USD'; char Euro='E'; char currency[5]; float amount=0; char currency2[5]; float equivalent; printf("In what currency is the person's money?\n\t(P)eso\n\t(USD)ollar\n\t(E)uro\n"); scanf("%s",currency); printf("\nWhat is the amount?\n"); scanf("%f",&amount); printf("\nIn what currency do you want it changed?\n\t(P)eso\n\t(USD)ollar\n\t(E)uro\n"); scanf("%s",currency2); if(strcmp(currency,"P")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"USD")==0){ equivalent=amount*0.0237; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.2f.\n\n",equivalent); } else if(strcmp(currency,"P")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"E")==0){ equivalent=amount*0.0187; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.2f.\n\n",equivalent); } else if(strcmp(currency,"USD")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"P")==0){ equivalent=amount*42.0006; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.0f.\n\n",equivalent); } else if(strcmp(currency,"USD")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"E")==0){ equivalent=amount*0.7874; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.2f.\n\n",equivalent); } else if(strcmp(currency,"E")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"P")==0){ equivalent=amount*53.4804; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.2f.\n\n",equivalent); } else if(strcmp(currency,"E")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"USD")==0){ equivalent=amount*1.27; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.2f.\n\n",equivalent); } else printf("\nWrong Input!\n\n"); } #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main(){ int SUV=3500; int Car=2500; int Motorcycle=900; int Truck=4000; char type[5]; char registration[5]; int ans; printf("Please select the type of vehicle:\n\tS - SUV\n\tC - Car\n\tM - Motorcycle\n\tT - Truck\n"); scanf("%s",type); if(strcmp(type,"S")==0 strcmp(type,"s")==0){ printf("\nIs vehicle registered on time?Y/N\n"); scanf("%s",registration); if(strcmp(registration,"Y")==0 strcmp(registration,"y")==0){ printf("\nTotal Reaistration fee is P%d.\n\n",SUV); }else if(strcmp(registration,"N")==0 strcmp(registration,"n")==0){ ans=(3500*0.1)+3500; printf("\nTotal Registration fee is P%d.\n\n",ans); }else printf("\ninvalid!\n\n"); }else if(strcmp(type,"C")==0 strcmp(type,"c")==0){ printf("\nIs vehicle registered on time?Y/N\n"); scanf("%s",registration); if(strcmp(registration,"Y")==0 strcmp(registration,"y")==0){ printf("\nTotal Reaistration fee is P%d.\n\n",Car); }else if(strcmp(registration,"N")==0 strcmp(registration,"n")==0){ ans=(2500*0.1)+2500; printf("\nTotal Registration fee is P%d.\n\n",ans); }else printf("\ninvalid!\n\n"); }else if(strcmp(type,"M")==0 strcmp(type,"m")==0){ printf("\nIs vehicle registered on time?Y/N\n"); scanf("%s",registration); if(strcmp(registration,"Y")==0 strcmp(registration,"y")==0){ printf("\nTotal Reaistration fee is P%d.\n\n",Motorcycle); }else if(strcmp(registration,"N")==0 strcmp(registration,"n")==0){ ans=(900*0.1)+900; printf("\nTotal Registration fee is P%d.\n\n",ans); }else printf("\ninvalid!\n\n"); }else if(strcmp(type,"T")==0 strcmp(type,"t")==0){ printf("\nIs vehicle registered on time?Y/N\n"); scanf("%s",registration); if(strcmp(registration,"Y")==0 strcmp(registration,"y")==0){ printf("\nTotal Registration fee is P%d.\n\n",Truck); }else if(strcmp(registration,"N")==0 strcmp(registration,"n")==0){ ans=(4000*0.1)+4000; printf("\nTotal Registration fee is P%d.\n\n",ans); }else printf("\ninvalid!\n\n"); }else printf("\nInvalid Input!\n\n"); } #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main(){ char status[5]; int numChildren; int tax; int i=1; printf("Status of Person: S - Single\n\t\t M - Married\n\t\t H - Head of the Family\n"); scanf("%s",status); while(i<=status){ i++; } if(strcmp(status,"S")==0 strcmp(status,"s")==0){ tax=20000; printf("\nTotal Tax Exemption: P%d\n\n",tax); } else if(strcmp(status,"M")==0 strcmp(status,"m")==0){ printf("\nNo. of Children Under 18:\n"); scanf("%d",&numChildren); if(numChildren>0){ tax=32000+(8000*numChildren); printf("\nTotal Tax Exemption: P%d\n\n",tax); }else{ tax=32000; printf("Total Tax Exemption: P%d\n\n",tax); } } else if(strcmp(status,"H")==0 strcmp(status,"h")==0){ tax=25000; printf("Total Tax Exemption: P%d\n\n",tax); } else printf("\nWrong Choice!\n\n"); }

How do you make a program that helps a money converter determine the value of a person's money in the selected currency?

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main(){ char Peso='P'; char Dollar='USD'; char Euro='E'; char currency[5]; float amount=0; char currency2[5]; float equivalent; printf("In what currency is the person's money?\n\t(P)eso\n\t(USD)ollar\n\t(E)uro\n"); scanf("%s",currency); printf("\nWhat is the amount?\n"); scanf("%f",&amount); printf("\nIn what currency do you want it changed?\n\t(P)eso\n\t(USD)ollar\n\t(E)uro\n"); scanf("%s",currency2); if(strcmp(currency,"P")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"USD")==0){ equivalent=amount*0.0237; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.2f.\n\n",equivalent); } else if(strcmp(currency,"P")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"E")==0){ equivalent=amount*0.0187; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.2f.\n\n",equivalent); } else if(strcmp(currency,"USD")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"P")==0){ equivalent=amount*42.0006; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.0f.\n\n",equivalent); } else if(strcmp(currency,"USD")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"E")==0){ equivalent=amount*0.7874; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.2f.\n\n",equivalent); } else if(strcmp(currency,"E")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"P")==0){ equivalent=amount*53.4804; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.2f.\n\n",equivalent); } else if(strcmp(currency,"E")==0 && strcmp(currency2,"USD")==0){ equivalent=amount*1.27; printf("The equivalent of his money is P%.2f.\n\n",equivalent); } else printf("\nWrong Input!\n\n"); } #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main(){ int SUV=3500; int Car=2500; int Motorcycle=900; int Truck=4000; char type[5]; char registration[5]; int ans; printf("Please select the type of vehicle:\n\tS - SUV\n\tC - Car\n\tM - Motorcycle\n\tT - Truck\n"); scanf("%s",type); if(strcmp(type,"S")==0 strcmp(type,"s")==0){ printf("\nIs vehicle registered on time?Y/N\n"); scanf("%s",registration); if(strcmp(registration,"Y")==0 strcmp(registration,"y")==0){ printf("\nTotal Reaistration fee is P%d.\n\n",SUV); }else if(strcmp(registration,"N")==0 strcmp(registration,"n")==0){ ans=(3500*0.1)+3500; printf("\nTotal Registration fee is P%d.\n\n",ans); }else printf("\ninvalid!\n\n"); }else if(strcmp(type,"C")==0 strcmp(type,"c")==0){ printf("\nIs vehicle registered on time?Y/N\n"); scanf("%s",registration); if(strcmp(registration,"Y")==0 strcmp(registration,"y")==0){ printf("\nTotal Reaistration fee is P%d.\n\n",Car); }else if(strcmp(registration,"N")==0 strcmp(registration,"n")==0){ ans=(2500*0.1)+2500; printf("\nTotal Registration fee is P%d.\n\n",ans); }else printf("\ninvalid!\n\n"); }else if(strcmp(type,"M")==0 strcmp(type,"m")==0){ printf("\nIs vehicle registered on time?Y/N\n"); scanf("%s",registration); if(strcmp(registration,"Y")==0 strcmp(registration,"y")==0){ printf("\nTotal Reaistration fee is P%d.\n\n",Motorcycle); }else if(strcmp(registration,"N")==0 strcmp(registration,"n")==0){ ans=(900*0.1)+900; printf("\nTotal Registration fee is P%d.\n\n",ans); }else printf("\ninvalid!\n\n"); }else if(strcmp(type,"T")==0 strcmp(type,"t")==0){ printf("\nIs vehicle registered on time?Y/N\n"); scanf("%s",registration); if(strcmp(registration,"Y")==0 strcmp(registration,"y")==0){ printf("\nTotal Registration fee is P%d.\n\n",Truck); }else if(strcmp(registration,"N")==0 strcmp(registration,"n")==0){ ans=(4000*0.1)+4000; printf("\nTotal Registration fee is P%d.\n\n",ans); }else printf("\ninvalid!\n\n"); }else printf("\nInvalid Input!\n\n"); } #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> main(){ char status[5]; int numChildren; int tax; int i=1; printf("Status of Person: S - Single\n\t\t M - Married\n\t\t H - Head of the Family\n"); scanf("%s",status); while(i<=status){ i++; } if(strcmp(status,"S")==0 strcmp(status,"s")==0){ tax=20000; printf("\nTotal Tax Exemption: P%d\n\n",tax); } else if(strcmp(status,"M")==0 strcmp(status,"m")==0){ printf("\nNo. of Children Under 18:\n"); scanf("%d",&numChildren); if(numChildren>0){ tax=32000+(8000*numChildren); printf("\nTotal Tax Exemption: P%d\n\n",tax); }else{ tax=32000; printf("Total Tax Exemption: P%d\n\n",tax); } } else if(strcmp(status,"H")==0 strcmp(status,"h")==0){ tax=25000; printf("Total Tax Exemption: P%d\n\n",tax); } else printf("\nWrong Choice!\n\n"); }