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This is called a polymerisation reaction

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2w ago

Polymers are made by combining monomer compounds through a chemical process called polymerization. This process involves linking together monomer units to form long chains or networks, resulting in the formation of polymer molecules. These polymers can have a wide range of properties and applications based on their chemical structure and composition.

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Q: What is made by combining monomer compounds into polymer molecules?
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Do a monomer or polymer contain more molecules?

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That would be a monomer.

What does the term monomer refer to?

A monomer is a small molecule that can chemically bond with other monomers to form a polymer. In polymer chemistry, monomers are the building blocks that contribute to the structure and properties of the resulting polymer.

What is a a monomer?

Monomers can be defined as relatively small and simple molecules that bond together (during a polymerization reaction) to form a macromolecule called a polymer. Thus we can say that monomers are the units responsible for the formation of a polymer. A monomer is a molecule that can be bonded to other molecules to form polymers

What is the definition of the word monomer?

A monomer is a molecule that can bond with other identical molecules to form a polymer. It is the basic building block from which larger molecules are constructed.

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There is no antonym for polymer

Which best explains the difference between a monomer and a polymer?

A monomer is a single structure and has low moleculer weight, while a polymer consists of several monomers and appears like plastic such as shellac and varnish.A polymer has higher molecular weight. Polymers don't always look like plastic--wood and cotton are both polymers. Rubber is also a polymer.

What does the word monomer refer to?

is a molecule that may bind chemically to other molecules to form a polymer